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4th Ed

Inter nal Internatio nal

§ Scope §


Published by:  GD&EEP & Angelfire & Tripod Lycos
02/ 01/ 05

§ Bully Clerks &Supervisors etc., Focus:

            Many people have reported to the IIS that their bosses and supervisors have been reporting them to psychiatrits stating that they have mental disorders. Many say that they have been humilated enough and will not be intimidatd by them any longer.
            One man says he knows that he performs on his job more than the standard sufficiency. One lady says that her boss keeps making sexual advances at her and she will not repond and ignore him, and he became angry with her and reported to the company psychiatrist that she has a mental disorder and demanded she see the psychiatrist if she wishes to keep working at the facility. So she in turn is now suing the boss for sexual harassment and slander.
           It's just like going to the grocery store one man stated to the IIS ......, if I'm looking for dinner rolls in the store and can't find them I'll ask, but if I'm looking for broccoli and the cashier keeps trying to coerce me into buying a bag of sugar, dinner rolls, or a lb of meat if I'm shaking my head no or just ignoring the cashier, the cashier should get the message I'm not interested. Does this mean I have a mental disorder? People are going to far in the medical and corporate realm using their positions to advance the agendas abusing their privileges and it's high time to put a stop to it. It's simply a form of coercion, and maybe when the law suits start packing in on them they'll get the message alittle clear that no still means no and becasue one ignores you doesn't mean that they are mentally incompetent.

§ International Focus:

           In Australia 2 Cops and 1-ex-Cop, and 4 of the Departments employees illegally detained a man in a make shift jail and continually sedated the man. The man Shot and killed the 2 Cops and the ex-Cop. The 4 employees are awaiting trial on charges of false arrest. The county is charging the man with murder but the state in which he lives says that the main is not guilty of any crime because the man had the right to defend himself and the courts found that it is self defense when someone is illegally restrained or detain and the courts also considered the fact that he was being sedated by powerful sedatives in which were found in his system at the time of his arrest and the man also testified that they were conducting illegal experiments of mental endurance and tieing him down and raping him. The courts aquitted him of the charges and as for the 4 conspirators they are being charged with conspiracy to commit physical and psychological injury, rape and false arrest with no legal right do detain or arrest someone without court order, and the court said the man who was abused must testify against the 4 conspirators come next trial hearing.

§ Obituary:

        In South Dakota a young indian Souix male is laid to rest by his family in the WestLake Cememtary head by the tribal elder Ronnie Lewis Garner who oversights the reservation. The
young Souix name was Phelps Christopher Smith bithday 12/16. His family says he loved to ride motor cycles and chase the girls. He loved hiking in the reservations forest and riding his motor cycle in the outbacks. His family says they will miss him but he's in a better place, and resting in the land that he so loved, the Souix Reservation. The family wanted to recognize their son one last time by sending the IIS this article for posting so that the world would know that he was a kind young man whom his friends adored. We'll miss you Phelps and may you rest in peace with the great spirit.
02/ 02/ 05

§ Legal Focus:

        Things are getting very "nasty" in the legal realm. A Russian Science Institute in which is an American concessions deal set up surveillance in one of it's competitors home by permission of the competitors Father and Uncle who had no authority in authorizing the illegal surveillance set-up and the two brothers have damaged the young man greatly, over them to get a slice of the pie the Institute cooked up.
       When the Science-Tech., took a formula to the the Intstitute hoping to merge with the Institute but the Institute declined the contractual deal but took the formula in whcih was patented and illegally proliferated it. The Science Tech., says that he can't even work on his new inventions because the illegal surveillance allows the institute to publich his work before he does. There is a pending civil and criminal suit in which has been pending for a year and three months and believes the courts are stalling the suit due to the fact the district has stock in the Russian Institute. The Science Institute is using him on the billboards and has even elected an invalid board of directors of the project and they simply refuse to compensate for the injuries and damages they've caused willfully. The invalid board of directors feel that they deserve some pay for proliferating the project and the Science Tech., says he didn't ask them to proliferate his project and simply states they stole the project. The district has even erected a copy of the project on the campus and the Science Tech., says theat alone is pure proof but the courts ignore him and his claims for compensation. The Science Tech., says that he has a prior suit against another Swiss Inc., and the district is trying to extract the payment as apart
of the settlement owed by the science institute, and that's not possible being that these are two diffrent suits upon two diffrent entities. This is a prime example of corruption in the legal system (and people wanna say the conspiracy theorist are extremist) malarky as Joseph Biden would say (The IIS really understands you Senator). The courts have even allowed the surveillance to continue, while the institute has confined the young science tech., (isolated) in his home, to the effect that he can't earn money to support himself while the Thieves are living it up ( has the young man states) off his work. The Russian Institute is within the southern part of New Jersey.

§ Legislation Focus:

         The NC Legislation Whip leader Mitch Gillispi torted that he is not in favor of a state wide lottery, stating that if targets the poor and impoverished. But the IIS states that in reality you are playing a double headed penny in your rhetoric. The way this state legislation is set up is appauling and it's partisan agenda and the way it only looks after Anglos. You Dixicrates can't seem to evolve and get over your reactionary dixiland delusional granduer. You say you are looking for input on legislation when input has been rendered for decades........., repeal the unconstitutional ratified legislation you drafted and help establish equality. This state has caused needless decades of psychological and physical damage to it's citizens but the Anglos
benefit from social security while you willfully and deloberateley neglect the aggrogate of the state. There are piople hurting and suffering, and you say how can we relieve the pain, and in reality you don't want to, because its the heirarchy that's your concern. How can we bring about a change you say? Bring fairness into the courts as the Great Charter layed out and not your agenda ( Implied Powers ). How long must people suffer before you are satisfied with whipping them to the point of death? Theres cancer in the body and it's in the head, and history has shown that misers will reather let the body decay than let go of what in reality is not theirs to control. The Almighty Christian God in whom you say is omnipotent, has he left you or do you have chains upon him also? But the IIS remembers North Carolina that you didn't support the ratifying of the US constitution as you declined the Union. You have always loved slavery and now the ghost of  the black souls have come back to haunt you. It's time to set them free.
Let'em go. Let'em live.

§ Charlotte Corporate Charter Focus:

         The CCC held it's monthly Board meeting this week and discussed a number of topics. The IIS noticed that the fight for contracts in the high demand urbanization developement program. RFB / MWB   plan is underway but the board forgot to mention forum standing agendas implementation juxtapose to the discovery, analysis, due deligence implementation already voted in to consolidate the package in which many applicants feel is the most essential to the process. Insiders of the CCC are vibrant and prospects are looking upward for the growth and evolution this month.
02/ 04/ 05

§ Credit Card Focus:

        The beloved PBS broadcasted a focus on the use of credit cards by the American Society.
Everybody is talking about social security reform, but what's the use if people can't control theri spending habits? APR rates constantly  fluxing, but hey!!! who's keeping count?........., for even banks are indebted to the federal reserve. Where is the money going? Can't be all on commercials........., then again maybe thats why the commercials are so "funny". The producers
of such using images laughing at the Jimmies trying to keep up with the Jones while they rack up on the Grants and Franklins. Everybody wants to be a star. But hey someone has to dream right?..........Hoping they'll be the one out of a billion to get the spot or place to shine or that place in the sun. Does anyone ever think about the fact that stars burn out and fall (fallin'stars)?
But hey who's keeping tabs....., Spend, Spend, Spend America because collection agencies need work to. This society reminds one of the "Borg" regime on Star Trek, regarding they don't have to be responsible cause they feed off one another, no-one in the "Borg" culture is independent, that's why one can't help but admire Captain Piccard and the Vulcans. Piccard was independent and the Vulcans were logical.

§ Presidential Focus:

         The President of the US gave his State of the Union Address [02/02/05] reflecting his various wishes for the Congress to consider. He stated that he hopes that the Congress pass a bill to make home schooling invalid, and for only those who attend college to recieve social validity in the job market, though home taught students IQ rates are just a high as thoughs taught in Universities and colleges. The President also spoke of ending Frivilous lawsuits against citizens who file against company's and power plants for injuries they may acquire due to the companies negligence and accidents of no fault of the victim. He stressed of saving and improving the social security system for our kids and grandkids, but hey, whos's kids are included in the "our"? He also spoke of improving the healthcare system and making access to medicare more accessible. The President also discussed that he would like for Congress to pass a bill to end the augmentation of homosexual life style, a persons choice, and not give them the same benifits  and rights as heterosexuals. He also addressed the Congress to pass a bill to stop independent doctors who didn't graduate from a top pedigree colleges from practicing medicine and prescribing medication.
        All the IIS wants to stress is that if Bush keeps chopping off the limbs of the American youth, they want beable to walk nor feed themselves. All that'll be left is the poor childs head, and it appears that he's aiming for the neck.  So Congress make sure your basket is carefully woven to catch it. But hey, he must have forgotten to ask them to bring the baskets within their invitations. May next congressional convention address he'll add the extra commodities to the
invitations and don't forget the mops, for there will be alot of blood to mop up.

§ US Legal Focus:

        Law makers are challenging Doctors who prescribe medication to parents who describe the
supposedly ailment of the juvenile or state of mind to the doctor without giving a physical to the juvenile. Reason being is that the kids after being coerced to take the drugs by the parent  and 2.5% out of 3.9% begin to suffer from psychoctic disorders or episodes, such as suicide and battery etc. Family members say that many parents do this when they are suffering from marital and financial problems. 5 out of 10 of these juveniles have even died after taking the medication from studies of (ex)tra independent analysis sources and the parents reep the insurance benefits. Many lawyers say that these UNIVERSITY GRADUATED doctors are actually assisting in the death and have contracts set up with the parents and other doctors, lawyers etc., and throught their connections receive protection and money for the parents for the assitance, in facilitating the deaths and injuries by falsifiing autopsy and medical reports.
A number of Independent Lawyers say a better checks and balance system is needed to stop the abuse of these privileges of doctors who are reeping thousands of doolars from these parents and the deaths from the deaths of these children. They even have a system set up so when the child may be injured by the medication, the doctor refers the patient to their lawyers to sue the drug companies, and are reeping benefits and monies this way as well. Many legislators say these professional networks birth from when these doctors are students and in Universities
 and make life long connections with other medical students and legal sturdents who then in turn set up fraternities and charters and branch out when graduated while constantly adding to their teams, and when graduated these individuals target positions from Congress to local councilman, medical boards etc., to cover themselves. This way they get first hand information when one of their members or fraternity departments are in some trouble or are being investigated and by theise means are able to swiftly sweep the matter under a rug.
You know........, This kinda reminds one of the political party system!!!!! You debate.
02/ 05/ 05

§ War Of The Roses Focus:

        There has been alot of talk of within the North Carolina Districts concerning the Schooling programs. 25% out of a 50% percental have been having problems with the schools redistricting program regarding some parents want to home school their kids and form Home schooling guilds and and the other half tort regarding the private schooling issue being that the exaserbated individuals have went to the state and it's sub-committees to implement their programs and states thay they assured the state Education board that they do not need the states funding for they have their own funds they are jsut attempting to comply with regulations, but state that the board trys to make them take upon (ex)tra duties in order for them to implement their independent programs. The parents state that they will buy the commodities needed for their program from the State programs but the board is simply asking for to much. One lady says that she bought some land and a small building from her county to use for her set-up but the board is attempting to dictate in how she must use the building. Another man says he is teaching his child at home and the board is trying to make him teach other kids in which he states he wants to focus primarily on his son right now. Even the public teachers are stating that discipline has become an issue in the public sector. With parents wanting teachers to instill morals within their kids when they have over 25 to a class. Alot of the kids now adays are not concerned with civics and social studies for most of them want to be rappers, dancers, movie stars and to put it plainly the glamorous life they see on TV. Over crowding has become an issue Trying to teach those how to read and perform efficently within mathematics and most can add and subtract and they feel find with knowing just that, and don't care for advancement and then you have those who wanna advance and to be honest they stagnate those who wanna learn more progress because they begin to become a distraction within the setting by their behavior.
These public teachers say that why they believe that most parents would rather teach their kids one on one at home. Talking with one student he says he would rather be one on one at home but the parent is having difficulty in developing this process because of the board of education.  They are even trying to force teachers who want to leave one district and go to another to stay where they are or go to the district they want them to go to, and I guess the way things are lookin teachers will loose their right to choose where they want to teach espcially if where they want to go has an opening. As the one man stated earlier saying that he's not looking for the county to fund him because he has his own funding but by the way they act he feels he might not beable to buy school commodities for his home program from distributions in the county because the county feel as if they are somehow being cut out the process. He says he's still spending money though he and his son is not of the public system. He says next I suppose my business will start suffering because I've learned to self-govern myself. It's really pitiful that people feel that they will suffer one way or the other from these government institutions because their choices. It's like the government is sying well if you don't need our total assistance then you don't need the public to buy from your businesses or you don't need the stores to buy your school supplies. These assignment programs are logical but it seems as if one is saying if it isn't done our way it's no-way. If one has a two setter car you can't make him/her put another in. The car would be crowed and the logic is that the car is made for the driver and passenger, and if someone has a busvn one cán't make the driver change who he has designated for the seats, your choice of passengers either has to make other arrangements or since the councils are so concerned buy them a busvan.