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You amazed me.

You surprise me.

You catch me off guard.


You amaze me,

            With your strength of body and spirit.

You surprise me,

            With how well you know my thoughts.

You catch me off guard,

            With a kiss when I was nervous.


You amaze me,

            By doing thing to show you care.

You surprise me,

            By understanding my moods.

You catch me off guard,

            By showing you care.


You amazed me.

You surprise me.

You catch me off guard.


I love you for it.


This poem has a lot going on with it. It  currently looks as if it is going to be published.

 It was also written in honor of someone, which is something I had not done before. The first time EVER:

  I dedicate this poem to Hiamperage who still amazes me each day.

Again, this poem is also up on Spouzic.