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Whole-hearted & Open

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Author Info:

I have been writing since 1988, at the age of 11. I started writing because at that time I had all my feelings bottled up inside and no one to talk to. I had no idea how to express them to other people so I started writing them in verse. I never knew they would turn into a book, but they did. This became my way to open up about myself, and until now, has only been viewed by select people. Writing has been a great release for me. The poems displayed here are my deepest and truest feelings from different stages in my life. Thank you for letting me share them with you. Keep coming back, I will be updating this site all the time.

Just Friends

I got a letter from an old friend
But I didn't want to open it
It didn't matter what it had to say
It was whom it was from that mattered

After about a week, I finally opened it
I was sad, happy and angry at what it said
He was saying goodbye to me forever
It wasn't him; it was me that needed to let go

He's gone from my reach
I knew I shouldn't have read it
He just didn't love me anymore
And I couldn't let him go

Friends with me, he tried to remain
But I held on too tight, I couldn't release him
No matter what I said to him, I was wrong
I lied and tried and cried too much to be

February 21, 1994

Lustful Dreams

Watching his every move
Yearning to feel his hand
Slowly between my thighs
Going up as far as he can

He continues to tickle and tease me
And I keep wanting more
Softly, we get undressed
Crawling silently to the floor

Without a word, our bodies unite
A passionate, lustful rage
Acting like wild animals
That should be locked away in a cage

When sweat begins to drip from his face
And he feels the beat of my heart
He only turns to me and smiles
And we live our lives apart
June 11, 1996


I'm drifting away
Slowly, but surely I go
I'm losing my emotions
No tears shall ever flow
The fear of death
Has long past
My ending life
Will quickly last
The angel of evil
Is at my door
I'm falling down
Beneath the floor
The fall never ends
I just keep falling down
I feel no pain
Though I wear a frown
Everything's gone
I no longer breathe
I'm lost in hell
For God, I didn't believe
I lost everything
Every single expression
I'm left with shattered dreams,
Visions and Depression

Roaming for Relief

While roaming around in my head
I used to stumble and fall
Everything was dark and cluttered
I barely made it to the hall

While roaming though the hall
I began to see a light
Instead of walking, I began to run
My journey turned into a fight

While roaming around through this fight
I decided just to give in
I no longer wanted to try
'Cause this is the way I've always been

While roaming in my head once more
I realized what I had to do
Breaking out was all I thought of
But this was granted to just few

While roaming through this perious doom
I knew that I would be chosen
And once I reach that whole other world
This place in time will be frozen
February 20, 1995

Holding On

My father once told me
That he was about to die
But that was many years before
So it was too soon to cry

When his time did come
I didn't know how to feel
He was in the hospital
With tubes feeding his every meal

Oxygen forced through his nose
And IV's through his veins
I listened to is every word
And felt his fear through his pains

I wasn't there when he slipped into a coma
Or when he inhaled his last breath
But he will always be with me in spirit
For life doesn't end in mortal death
November 4, 1998

In loving memory of my father:
Harry John Rediker

Sanity Lost is a Life Saved

Sanity Lost is a Life Saved
With broken dreams, their paths are paved
Losing their grip on reality
Screaming for the world to set them free

Escaping to their own place in time
Wandering around with no reason or rhyme
Trapped between four strong walls
No one answers to their calls

They're protected from this world of pain
While locked up with the criminally insane
They're views on life are truly their own
When sanity is lost, you're never alone
June 13, 1996

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