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Welcome Gentle Traveler. I, Lady Raven, send warm greetings to you. Do you need inspiration?Are you in search of a place to relax and view some creative writing? If it is poetic expression you seek, this is the place to be. Or at least we'd like to think so. Here is accumulated some poetry and creative writing which express innermost personal thoughts and feelings. If you find yourself wishing to discover them, come in and look around. This page is a piece of my inner being. It is arranged by topic and there is also a link to a short story page. Enjoy your stay here. Come back periodically as the scratchings and squiggles are oft made known to the world here.

Suppose you has a burning desire to continue learning but like most people could not scrape up the cash to go back to college. Or maybe you have no time? What is it that such a one as you are to do? You can read books, on poetry for instance. But alas, there is no feedback this way and no sense of the community of learning either. If you want a broader experience but have to abstain from correspondences schools and college because you have a book buyer budget, I may be that we have the answer for you. Try this:

Suite University

Visit my Poetry Market - with!

Lady Raven's poetic adventures...
Come, Visit the portals inside and see for yourself...

Raven's Family Scratchings

Raven's Voice

Raven's Face

Black Feathers

Raven's Large Scratches
(Short Stories)

Raven's Webrings

Raven's Links

E-Mail Me!

Unless otherwise credited, the poems, short stories and other works found here are all original to me. Do not copy them without permission.

Animated Ravens appear courtesy of Animation Arthouse
Raven Logo Appears courtesy of Hilda4jc

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