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My Site

Today... which would happen to be October 30th 2004 The MSU/UofM game was play for 4 and a half hours.. the wolverines made a 17 point comeback, going into a triple overtime, finally winning with the spartans unable to make a touchdown. YEAH GO BLUE!

October 29th 2004
Hey peoples
Well here I am yet again.. attempting to update. I think I'll be adding a few poems and such... definitely some pictures... and I'll probably be adding some after halloween after trick or treating. So i'll catch ya later.. SIGN THE FRICKEN GUEST BOOK!
Hmm.. well i haven't exactly been updating very much.. i'm sorry for anyone who actually visits this, although i doubt many people do. Anywho... i'm updated my blog.. theres not much in it however.. and i'm gonna add a few poems.. and pictures so yeah thats about it.

Hey I added another page.. titled.. "other junk" it's beautiful.. check it out lol.
Peace: Sarah

August 14th, 2004

Hey everyone:

Sarah here. Starting a site that i will hopefully keep up with. It seems that everytime i try to have a website, it becomes something unimportant. Which i guess it is, but i'd like this to at least stay updated. The sole purpose is to share my passions with the world. So feel free to let me know how you feel about this site. If you want you can email me at, please put *website* in the subject, so i know that it's not junk. otherwise I will just delete it.


My Blog!


Other junk!

Check out this game..its retarded and cool.. all at once. Just keep poking her lol.

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