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Random Stuff For You To Enjoy

Hey all, this is just something I'm doing just to pass the time. We'll see what comes about with this crazy lil' page I'm making, but it'll include pages, some poems I wrote, maybe some stories, pictures of my friends and I, and maybe even some celebs, but it'll also feature some things you *yes, YOU* will want on this page and are willing to send to me and what not. So, have fun, enjoy, and I'll catch you kids on the flip side or some shit like that, ya heard?

P.S. - The sections of this page, when updated, will have the date that they were updated just for your info!

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About Me
Marcus' Reviews *Updated 02-05-03*
Top Ten Lists *Updated 02-02-03*
Quotes *Updated 02-03-03*
Pics *Updated 02-02-03*
Mojo's Thoughts *NEW*
Sam's Journal
Mourningstar *My Friend Jeff's Band,They're Kick Ass!*
Insanity Test *Take It, It's Hilarious - Marcus*
