raain's Place
Wake Up And Smell The Sulfer America!

welcome to my place.
i have spent my whole life with
blinders on my eyes
nose plugs in my nose
and cotton in my ears
not to mention the gag over my mouth.
The blinders, nose plug, cotton and gag have recently disappeared.
i am now seeing outrageous things in America
smelling sulpher that seems to be coming from the depths of hell itself
and hearing things that break my heart
and now it is well past time i take a stand.
i used to have a very worldly page here in cyberland.
Now i have decided to give the world a swift kick in the rear, not to mention the ruler of it.
Plain and Simple.
Wait, before you click out of here
This is not a religious page, tho there will be God all over it as He is leading me.
This is my lil corner of the web where i am going to give out all the information i can find
on all the issues that Satan has his hand in.
It is high time some more people get involved in what is shaping this world we live in.
my way of doing that is this site.
i hope that you will continue on and please just give me a chance.
i promise i WILL NOT preach to you.
i promise i WILL give you information on a number of important issues
and hope that it helps to broaden your mind a bit as it has mine.
Just click on the links below and start on this journey of enlightenment with me.
Besides some much needed information on some very important issues
i will have a page of my poetry also
i am by no means a professional but i do enjoy writing.

Email: whispers_uv_raain@yahoo.com