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“THE DECISIONS WE MAKE” The decisions we make, Don’t only affect our own lives, But think of the car coming toward you, or those in your car, It also affects those girls and guys, Full of stubborn lies, Try to show off for your friends, I’m not here today; or tomorrow, Or the next day, you brought my life to an end, Around a blind bend, Car hits 110, Let us try this again, around a dead end, Living in a cell wouldn’t be the part that hurt, Staring down and seeing blood on your shirt, And all your friends lying in the dirt, Not breathing. Is this nightmare really happening? Yes! That’s your friend you’re seeing, Crawl out the front, start checking for pulses, Thank the Lord he’s alive, Oh No he is going into convulsions, His muscles start to relax, His tongue retracts; back in his throat, As he lies there and stares, with an endless glare, Lose of all hope. The decisions that we make not only affect ourselves, It could affect somebody else, Our stupid decisions living up to their potential, Mental actions kill, Jumped in the car last adrenaline thrill. Let’s look at the situation from a different view, Instead, this time, I’m in the car coming at you, Out of the blue, you lose control of the wheel, Step on the brakes, Oh No it’s to late. Coming on fast, windshields smash, There still lay shattered glass, where you got in the crash, Try to think fast, faster than 95, Oh no you just took someone’s life, What are you going to do; you’re not even twenty two, I look up at you, and haven’t got a clue, I was acting responsible, how can this be true, Last time I’ll get to see my baby girl, not even two months old, I wanted to be everything to her; I was going to protect her till she grew old, But my dashboard folds, my lungs explode, And my body lays in half next to a telephone pole, I used to sit in front of you on the way to votech, Now you try to explain to everyone you’re the one, That broke my neck, And it’s all about precision, When making critical decisions. The decisions that we make, Will affect us in the end, No matter if it’s passing me, or hitting me, Around a blind bend, Now I’m gone and I’ll never be able, To see my baby girl and girlfriend again. Now you’ve turned 26 and most of your past is behind you, You have a young daughter, whom has been with you, She comes home one day after school, And says she has a sad story, she wants to tell you, Not thinking you sit down, and listen to her news, She said there is a little girl in her school, who cries everyday, Say’s she can only talk to her daddy by kneeling down to pray, Because her daddy was killed by a teenage kid, Says her dad was only 16, he had his whole life to live, She can’t remember his face, she barely ever saw her father, And her mommy is scared for her daughter, With no father around to teach her new sounds, Or swear on the Bible out loud to a quiet crowd, Says her daddy is dead, she wished she and her mommy would go too, Because daddy she said he’s dead because of you. It’s not the past that will get you, But the future that will, Driving fucking crazy, To show off up a hill, Come around and hit me, I can’t tell my precious girls goodbye, What will be your lullaby? When my daughter starts to cry, And looks into your eyes, And asks you why, why did you have to show off to you’re the guys. Every decision that you make could decide someone’s life, Hopefully if something happens you’ll die too, otherwise you’ll live your life, Wondering why you didn’t act responsible, and now you watch my family cry. Look around you and think about what you have done, All because you had to act irresponsible, had a little fun, Everyone looks like zombies; they are in a daze, My friend’s are in the front in a deep unbelievable gaze, And the bus drives by Becky and Kirstin, They have lost a close love and life isn’t worth living, Becky is crying and Kirstin just can’t understand, Where is her daddy, she wants one last dance, This is a glimpse of what could happen, In just a slight glance, So everybody listen, and make smart decisions, Because my life isn’t worth giving, For your stupid intuitions. I hope this got through to all you guys so you don’t have to find out the hard way. Just look at the empty seat I used to sit in and imagine if this were real, how would you feel? Peace Out, Rick S.
