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Light Caught Bending

  Evolution of Flight     2
  Culture Shock     4
  Earthworks     6
  Light Caught Bending     8
  Tiger Oak   10
  Cyclogenesis   12
  Weather Warnings   14
  Dublin Aisling   16
  Theatre of the Deaf   22
  Village of the Mermaids   24
  Summer Solstice   26
  Lazarus of Blue Grass Lane   28
  A Dream of Bright Green Leaves   30
  Afterlife   32
  A Document in Madness   34
  Morning Star   36
  Trans-Manche Link   38
  Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Company   40
  Pathfinder   42
  Night Growth   44
  In the Gloaming   46
  The Work of Human Hands   48
  Shapeshifters   54
  London Snow   56
  Eads Street   58
  Ashes, Ashes   60

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