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JJ Jameson was born in Massachusetts in 1940 as Norman Porter. At nineteen years of age he was involved in a robbery attempt in which a clerk was killed. The next year he was involved in a prison break during which a guard was killed. He was sentenced to two life sentences. From prison he earned his GED and attended Boston College through correspondence courses and began to write poetry. He was partially responsible for prison reforms which were implemented during the 60's and 70's. One of his life sentences was commuted. After being denied parole in 1985, Norman Porter escaped from a minimum security prison. He eventually came to Chicago and settled into a new identity as JJ Jameson. He supported himself as a carpenter, handyman, and real estate manager. He continued to write poetry. In spring of 2005 he was recaptured after living twenty years in Chicago as JJ Jameson. He is was recently denied a parole hearing by the state of Massachusetts.

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