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Griever's Circuit


Tom Roby's poetry has been published in numerous journals.
This book was written in memory of his wife, Mary Roby.

Mary Roby was a Sister of Mercy, teacher, and administrator at St. Xavier University. After leaving the Sisters of Mercy, she obtained her doctorate and returned to St. Xavier as a professor of Religious Studies. She and Tom were married in 1976. She died of ovarian cancer in July of 2003. Some of the poems in Griever's Circuit were written before her final illness and death, some after. This is a personal, revealing tribute to a woman from the man who truely and dearly loved her,
and always will.

Praise for Griever's Circuit

These poems of grief and remembrance take the reader into the heart of the experience.
They remind us why poetry is good for the soul.
          Charles Rossiter
          Poet, Book Reviewer, and Editor
          Journal of Poetry Therapy

As intricate, complex, and moving as any I have read in many years, each poem is delicately wrought as a talisman designed to invoke the complex, incomprehensible ritual of rebirth. And yet each is woven into those that precede and follow it. The drying leaves of autumn become the individual brilliant flashes of multi-colored flowers framed by our parks and institutions, which are themselves wrapped around the wrought-iron sculptures of Chicago's muses. Humor and despair and hope are all intermingled here in the tapestry of our lives.
          Jared Smith
          Author of Lake Michigan and
          Walking the Perimeter of the Plate Glass Window Factory

Tom Roby's Griever's Circuit takes us into the intimate space of married love and the seemingly bottomless abyss of its loss. Having plumbed the depths of grief with the writer, we are graced with the faint stirrings of recovery. The poet tells his beloved confidant. "I've been conversing with you, listening to you in me." We are listening in, and what we hear is heart-wrenchingly beautiful.
          Maureen Flannery
          Author of Ancestors in rhe Landscape and
          A Fine Line

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Griever's Circuit

By Tom Roby
Chapbook, 28 pages, Published by Fractal Edge Press
5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, 2004
ISBN# 1-933126-02-7

To order a copy of this book, please call 1-888-BOOKS98