C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2AZIZHTZ\MP900382942[1].jpgOUR NEW OKLAHOMA STATE

                        POET LAUREATE

Congratulations to our very own PSO member Nathan Brown of Norman, OK.  Nathan is the 2013-2014 Oklahoma State Poet Laureate.  Nathan has published eight books with the most recent being Karma Crisis: New and Selected Poems (2012).  He has also won the 2009 Oklahoma Book Award for Poetry for his book, Two Tables Over.  Congratulations, Nathan!


C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2AZIZHTZ\MP900382942[1].jpgWELCOME NEW MEMBERS

Sharon Burris - Ardmore, OK

Jeani M. Picklesimer – Ashland, KY

Neal Huffaker – Norman, OK

Camill Kay Bogle – Norman, OK

Sarah Newcomb – Oklahoma City, OK

Carolyn D. Stout – Oklahoma City, OK

Anna Sterling – Oklahoma City, OK

C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2AZIZHTZ\MP900382942[1].jpg REMEBERING A POET

PSO lost a long time member this past November.  Hazel Bell Nicholas passed away on November 4, 2012.


C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2AZIZHTZ\MP900382942[1].jpgTHANK YOU

A big “Thank you” is sent to Mikki Pennington for serving as PSO Membership Coordinator for many years.  Mikki has stepped down as Membership Coordinator and  is now devoting a lot of time to NFSPS as the Contest Chairperson.  She has her hands especially full at this time of year.  Congratulations, Mikki, for serving our national society.

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The PSO board appointed Keith Jones as Corresponding Secretary for the remainder of Dee Bowlin’s term.  Thank you, Keith, for serving on our board.


C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2AZIZHTZ\MP900382942[1].jpgOKLAHOMA YOUTH LORE



It is with heavy heart that I inform you that the Oklahoma Youth Lore and Art Contest will be put on hold for one year.  Due to some unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances we need to cancel this year.  We need to revamp and renovate this great event that we have for the children of Oklahoma.  We will come back next year (2014) with a bigger and better celebration of our Oklahoma youth poets and artists.  We do need people to volunteer to help with this event as we plan and move forward.  Please let Rob Burgess or any of the board members know if you would like to be on the team for Oklahoma Youth Lore.


C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2AZIZHTZ\MP900382942[1].jpgCONTESTS, PUBLISHED WORKS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS

Congratulations, Marsha Kay Oldham, for the publishing of your new book, My Loves.  Her book was introduced at the October 2012 meeting. Von S. Bourland has had a great year for contest wins.  Her most recent wins include: Florida State Poets Association (2012)- 1-1st place, 2-2nd place, 1-2nd HM and


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