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NaviGatiOnIntro | Info | ShOutz | Picz



I am from that Golden State and so very proud of it. They got cool peoples on the East coast, in the "Dirty Dirty" and even in the Midwest but there is none greater than the West coast`s fynest. Don`t get me wrong though `cuz I got love for people all over. I met too many people in college this past year that I can`t help but have love for all y`all.

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NaMe: PaTrIcIa
PrInCeSsInCaLi and H-O-T_ChOcOlAtE
AgE: 20 yEaRs YoUnG
LoCaTiOn: CaLi bAbY!
StAtUz:SingleSo HaPpIlY In LoVe!


This is my bestfriend Chanel b.k.a.
CAUdimepiece and ShE_Tooo_Pretty.


~*~This is my youngest brother Ryan (14 years old), my mom, and my dad. (My dad`s glasses are bootleg and don`t lighten up indoors like they`re supposed to.)~*~


~*~Here is another pic of Ryan taken sometime while I was away at school. He is a basketball phenom and a genius. Y`all look for him in the years to come.~*~

~*~Ray and Britney~*~

~*~This is my other brother Raymond (18 years old) and his girlfriend Britney.~*~


~*~And finally, this is Patches, the baby of the family. Don`t let the cute face fool you, he is evil.He tries to fight our Rottweiler, Max but Max just ignores him.~*~