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Since some people have liked my stuff, I decided to expand my offerings. I will be including poetry, short stories, and perhaps other things. I hope you enjoy, and remember tipping is customary. Thank you.

Breaking News:

"A Bath, a Gin, and a Tic-Tac for the Road" is currently being printed. There are a limited supply of the first edition (and likely only edition), so pre-orders are more than welcome. The book will cost $5 plus $1 for Shipping and Handling if you live outside the Harrisburg, PA area (sorry to be so geo-centric)...

So you may ask me, what is this book all about? and I'd tell you that it is a collection of my best plays, stories, and poetry, unforntunately with the exclusion of my National Award winning screenplay, which is currently tied up at another company. I have provided links below to show you pieces of the newest book, to spark your interest and make you buy. If you would like a copy of the book, send me an email at and provide me with your name and address and preffered method of payment. Also please write "A Bath" in the subject line, too often i delete stuff. Thank you all! :-D.

Pre-ordered fans can expect the books delivery in the third week of August.

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A Bath, a Gin, and a Tic-Tac for the Road
My Poetry
My Short Stories
The Novel(la)
