
Carlos sits and stares outside;
Day has become night.
Being alone in his dark room
Keeps him out of sight.

He thinks of school and family,
He thinks of all his friends.
He gazes deeper into the sky,
The thing that never ends.

Looking out, his eyes get caught
By the twinkling of a star.
His mind reaches out to the shine of it,
And the sky as black as tar.

The orange-tented street lamp
Shrink the pupils of his eyes.
He steps a foot out onto the ledge
As if he was willing to die.

But why should he take the risk of falling
When he lives a perfectly happy life?
“Perfectly happy can be questioned,” he thinks,
“My pain is as sharp as a knife.”

“The trees are just mere shadows,” he thinks.
He knows of many like this.
Those who know of only them,
And think they are in bliss.

Says, “God, those people piss me off!”
And swallows all his fear.
He pulls over his other leg and takes the plunge,
Farewell to his family dear.

Carlos sits and stares from the ground,
His day has become night.
Free of all that knew him,
And said he was not right.

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