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the Sands of Time.....


-Welcome to my World, a World of where Reality i§ only limited by your imagenation. Look through the §and§ of time Deep, Deep through the §hadow§ of the pa§t, and tell me what you §ee, Open up your eye§ and let your mind be free. Looking through the Moon lite Fore§t §taring back at me, a firey figure in the fog don't think you must believe-

-My name is Ben, I'm 15 and I'm a writter, I have trouble eXpre§§ing my§elf, but for §ome rea§on I §eem to be able to eXpre§§ my§elf better when it come§ to thing§ like thi§. I made thi§ §ite in Dedication to everything I'v went through in life, and for everything I'm going to go through. I'm currently from §.C hopfully in about 2 year§ I'll be moving out to Bo§ton, I'm in the 9th & 10th grade, it's a complacated thing called §plit-Grade§.

Well The §ite Mainly Con§it§ of 3 Part§.

[1] Poetry: Thi§ part of the §ite is mo§tly all directed to my relation§hip with a very §pecial girl in my life. Her name i§ Cry§tal, §he§ the one that in§pired all of the Poem§ pretty much.

[2] Written Mu§ic: Thi§ part of the §it§ i§ random §ong§, I'v wrote through out the la§t year or §o. There deep §ong§ with a deep meaning, mo§t of you may not be able to gra§p onto the full meaning at fir§t §ince your reading it §econd hand.

[3] Theorie§: Thi§ part of the §ite i§ directed toward§ everyday thing§. Love, Life, Girl§, Money...Ect

The next part to be added §oon i§ called Failure: it'§ dedicated to all tho§e who look at your§elf a§ nothing more then Failure at life, and to tho§e of you, who can't even look at your§elf in the Mirior beau§e all you §ee is a guy who over time you'v grown to hate, becau§e of all the pain, me§§-up§ you'v been through and made

The §ite§ no where near fini§hed I §till have to add a great deal of art work, fla§h effect§, firework§, and more work, but untill then thi§ i§ all i have to offer you.


now playing:'Hands of Time by; Forgotten'
