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My Poetry Page

This page is Dedicated to all the Ppl who has ever Loved someone So much and Lost it.. I have now Moved On with my Life thankful to some wonderful ppl in mine and my childrens life.So to all the ppl who has had their hearts litterally ripped out I hope you enjoy and please sign the book...


I'm Standing here at work trying to pass the time and of course you are on my mind.. When I think of you I try not to be blue because i know someday I will be with you..I can't believe I alrady feel this way how fast I fell for you and let you threw.. How happy I am now to know your here, even tho your gone I will have no fear I know you will always stay with me threw thick or thin cause you have already put me on my way past what seemed like the worst heart break in my history Im grateful for you for putting my heart on the mend .. and I pray it's you who will stay with me who will see me threw the rest of my unknown history...


I am worthless, I am stupid, I am ingrant, I am useless, I am a fool, A fool to believe your lvoe was true, A fool for not seeing you wanted you cake and eat it to . A fool for trusting in you words, A fool for not seeing what you really were.. A fool for opening my heart backup to you for you to break and rip from my chest. But you was a foolnot to see what you really meant to me. A fool for not believing in me, A fool for believing only want you wanted to believe.. Now it's to late that time is gone.. You said I lied to you and made you blue.. Look in the mirror cause you lied too......!!!!!!


I was stupid to believe you cared for me.I see now it was just another piece of ass you seen to add to your collection for all thw rold to see, So here I am standing alone.. tired of living ready for dying or hiding away where noone can see.. You plaed me hard but you cant see all the bad you've done to me. I was a fool to think youd be a better man to me, how wrong I was to believe your'd ever change your ways and how crazy I was for loving you unconditionally.. You've llied to yourself for so long you fell into your own fantasy of how you thought the world should be, instead of joining me you wanted to rule me and I allowed iit to be till I seen how you wanted things to be, your way or no way is all I recieved never able to live up to that fantasy life you didnt want to leave.. You never loved me like you said you've lied all this time,how could i been so belind and not see how could i've let this be you never believed anything about me your've nit picked all the love and joy away. you left me and as noone would see but you were wrong now he whole world sees into your fantasy world that you would leave....!!!!


She dreamt of a day she would wake up and hear you say "Good Morning Baby" What a dream sh'd been living, she's awake now se sees it's time to move on and as she look's you in the yes and see's threw all your lies and your head games and as the sun rises upon a new day she realizes you never loved her anyway that you only loved yourself.. Soon her tear drops will end and the memories will fade away. she's ready to begin a new day by the time you awake and realize outside yourself she will be gone and with her she will ake the Perfec" uncondionsal love she and her kids gave, now you are alone in a world you hae.. On day you will see her and her children laughing and playin with someone new someone who wont hurt or use them and make them blue, and its then it will hit you at the love you have thrown away to never have another day...!!


i woke up this morning and stumbled out of bed wondering about the fights we've had and all the things that were said .. the way i was told things were my fault boy what a lie that was told and how I was ripped apart. Do you know what love is? I really gotta know if not here let me share with you what i've come to know.. Love is unconditonal it can not be broke, it's loving someone for who they are and not what you can get. I'ts being there threw thick or thin and in good times and or bad it's never someting that will leave you after something bad, It's all the lil joys all rolled up inside from watching them sleep or eat, I've learnt you cant run and hide from it no matter how you try.. I love you unconditionally no matter how much it hurts, it's something deep inside of me I just can't let loose so you said you loved me .. so now i need to know is it unconditional and if so HOW COULD YOU LET IT GO....!!!!


The sky was once gray and cold while I faced this world alone to scared to try and just wanting to die.. feeling so all alone with noone to call my own.. How lonely I feel to go on this way not wanting to go anymore. ready to just give it all up to never soar again and just try living alone, My heart is weeping for the love it lost and hasnt found it's way.. It's dying more everyday it just cant keep going on this way.. The pain is so great it unbearable to breath just each breath gets harder to take and it gets choked within my chest, I wish my heart would just stop beating now and rest the pain is getting so great that I"m forever crying and I just cant wait I'm not closing my eyes Just to feel the pain inside why wont it just go away stop bothering me today I'm so tired dont you see what this love is doing to me.. I cant take it anymore So now I should jsut go!!!!


The Day you came into their lives they knew you were the one, who would always help them threw their life and help them have some fun,How you made their hearts smile and grow you showed them love and attenion and showed them you cared, they sit there and worshiped you when noone else even cared. The day they called you daddy your heart soarded with pride and how their smile brighten your day and mine, you once prayed for lovely children but none ever came then came these two joys straight out of the blue right to you and forever they would stay, Then came the day you walked away and they stood there and didnt understand and didnt even know what to say.. Over the months that past you thought they would forget, instead their only thought is your away at work but you will return one day to reclaim your pride and joys and so they are wanting to let you know your thought of in everyway .. so they are sending you a hug and kiss to help you along your way.. and you will be the daddy they never will ever forget....(from Ashley and Christopher)


I didn't go out drinkin or to dads grave.. I'm not running and I'm not drowning by drinking my problems away.. I'm running to you.. catch me fast before I fall and crash.. Help hold me up with your arms of love.. and I will forever over fill your cup.. I'll give you the world over and over again.. We will be together forever so more then friends.. the day you looked at me you made me smile.. I felt the love and your desire.. no more fears I will have .. instead I lay my heart and trust at your door.. Forever there will it remain till you dont want it anymore.. and then if that time comes I wont take it back take it with you wherever you go for you will always have that love and trust to lean on if you shall ever get lost and lose your way.. it will never leave you for it you can always rely even when you think your wrong it knows what to think.. it feels the truth lying deep underneth the depth of past heartaches and fears it will be your bandage for your heart if you only let it.. it has a magical healing power no barriers could ever stop it your walls are tall and strong from past wrongs and wieghts but my love will tear it down and look your fear in the face and say get out of my way i'm takin over here and whenver it shall reappear and you dont think you can do it alone close your yese and remember what you have to heal you and feel the strength and love being giving to you .. remember what your first feelings was with that first real kiss and remember the passion and fire that burned when we touched lips and remember the forever soaring joy when our souls touched when we mated together and you will find the answers laying right behind the walls built so tall......


she stays up late to avoid the bed where love once was soft and hot yielding and free passionate and trusting.. no more.. to much silence.. and expectations with no giving no tenderness just going through the motions is no longer enough .. sometimes she needs .. a rose.. or a hug or a soft touch or a conversation or a friend.. But really all she needs is YOU!!!!!


Baby these are the feelings deep from the heart I was scared to love you but I knew I'd start So I got deep inside to the fears in my soul And I mangled them thru a tiny hole Now all my worries are covered by dreams Listen real close to what all this means Im lettin you in to a part of my life I might end up an enemy or even your wife These past days spent with you have given me a patience to wait To find out if what we have happened by fate You say that you love me, that you never felt something like this Do you also feel a tingle everytime we kiss? You have to be sure I dont want you to ever regret The first night we made lust lead to more or the 1st day we met Every moment with you everything feels right There is never one feeling of feeling uptight We talk, we laugh, we've become more than friends I wont know the meaning of life if this should end Everything happens for a reason But Im not too sure thats true But I guess I'll know the answer If anyone ever takes away you I hope all these words are making some sense Im just telling you, You are my Prince Now as I end this letter These scribbles of love and destiny I hope that you enjoy the presence next to me.


Dont' close your mind true love is hard to find everyone has there up's and down don't lose faith it will come around what's over the rainbow nobody knows love may be blind but it sure can show how you feel about the one you love time can by just like a dove




Have you ever wondered or realize How much you mean to me? I care so much for you inside, and miss you so deeply. My mind is always curious about The way things might have been. That if everything was right again. With no worries or fears As days go by and time goes on I look back once again. On all those times when I took you right into my arms, And felt so safe and special, With you comforting me with your touch. And nothing in this world could ever replace All the times, joy, and laughter With every little kiss from you Was like a dream come true. This love I have inside my heart, Will always belong to you. It's funny, all those little things That I'd thought I'd never miss. Like those little conversations we had, or the first time we shared true love first kiss. I guess what I'm trying to tell you Is that I'll miss you more each day. It hurts me not to see you, Or not knowing if you're okay. I know you're so close always But yet you still seem so far away Words can't explain just how I miss you. Even though I'll still see you tomorrow But when tomorrow comes I wish it was yesterday again Cause as passing moments in time goes on I feel a deep emptiness inside knowing That I may never see you again And it worries me that Each time I see your face it might be the last And I can't fall asleep at night Cause I don't know what to do I'll hold my pillow tight But I'd want to be holding you And its just too bad things are the way they are And there isn't anything we can really do But sit back and wish for the best And hope love's torment fades away Why dose it have to be this way And will it ever change Time could never erase Feeling that I have for you And as I gaze upon my mind I just want you to understand That I've always liked you from the start. And I want you to know, no matter what, You'll always have a place in my heart. I Miss you!


My heart weeps and cries For the love I know is there somewhere Wanting to hold me Tenderly near; Wanting to whisper Sweet words in my ear; Wanting to discover More each day - -the breathless anticipation Of love each day; I cry as I search; I do not want to go far; I only want to search As far as you are. I remember when I was your heart's desire; I remember when I could set your soul on fire With passionate kisses Deep in the night And tender caresses With the morning light; Now you are still here Though so far away; I look at you And cannot find The right words to say; I want you back.


Not a day goes by, when i am not persistently pondering, when i am not deep within myself continuously wondering and wandering about what might've been, or what could've been, of us. Not a night goes by, when i am not lying there,suddenly awakened, and fearfully shakened at the very thought of you.... the very thought of you with someone new. Not an hour sneaks fourth, when i am not reminded of the heavy shower of greatness and affection that you once poured down upon me, or the power you gave me to see just how great this world can be. Not a minute or second carries on, without me wishing, so hard, that you were'nt gone, without me wishing for myself to have been so much stronger so that, maybe, i could've had you a little bit longer. And not a moment slips by, without me regrettting, not being honestly true, or not leaving even a vaguest clue, as to how much i really, dearly , greatly love you.


luv is here luv is there so much to do so much to share its the person u luv the person that u always think of u dream about them every day and night u know ur luv is there witout a fight they'll saty with u untill the very end u remember all the times together that u've spent u search to feel they're soul the strength to stand alone the love that ur not knowing and just letting go everything is simple just wen its right feelin ur heart's stronger wen u feel alive gifts, letters, and memeries that remain in ur heart but now that ur feelin alone they're all just torn apart its ova now and ur both threw it neva would've happened if ur love had remained true They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Send this phrase to the people you'll never forget and remember to send it also to the person that sent it to you. It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them. If you don't send it to anyone, it means you're in a hurry and that you've forgot your friends. Take the time... to live and love.


If your whole world was once painted black, Your road to love was full of speedbumps and cracks. Suddenly I step in and painted your whole world a different color more pleasant that a sunday afternoon rainbow. I stepped in and made your road a curve which tell there's a wonderful twist in life instead of a straight boring arrow. So the question still stands, are you my soulmate indeed? And was this meant to be? If you was hidden in a dark wet scary cave, Waiting for someone to be there and be your hero and have you save. Then your emotions inside of you are crying because they want to find a lonesome grave. Suddely I came in your life, rescue you from the dark place, Wipe your tears from your face and save your emotion from being a disgrace. So the question stills stand. Are you my soulmate indeed or was this meant to be?


Since Meeting You I Know that Love Is the Most Important Feeling One Can Have I used to think that love was only real in the movies and that I enjoyed being alone I used to think that I was too independent that I didn't need anyone because I was so strong But after meeting you I realize that my attitude towards love was merely a cover-up of my disappointment with relationships I put on a strong, noncaring front so no one would know how I felt But after meeting you I could no longer pretend My feelings became transparent and now I want to tell the world something I always knew but was afraid to admit that love is the most important feeling one can have and I want to thank you for causing me to be honest with myself and others I love you


I sit here and wonder how you are and if your feeling blue, Do you miss me? or think of me? and wonder what to do? Do you ever think things could change now that we've been apart? Or would you rather run and hide from me in the dark? Do you still love and care for me and just keep it hidden from where I can't see. Do you think about how perect our lives use to be? And wonder if it was meant to be? Do you think about loves frist kiss and the feeling you had when we touched lips?? You know what! I think of these things everyday while we are apart!


I'm siting here with you on my mind letting time pass me by, remembering all the fun times we've shared and showed the love we had to give, sitting here staring at the walls, wonder why you said goodbye, wish you were here with me to end my misery, for here I sit all alone wish my heart ould just let go, but knowing it never will make me cry out in fear...


I miss you laugh,I miss your cry, I even miss the way you said goodbye, I miss your touch, I miss your jokes, I'm missing you the most, I miss the look in your eye, I wish you had never said goodbye, I miss the beat of your heart, I miss the sound of your voice, I miss you so much I cry....
