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"Words mean more than what is set down on paper.  It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of meaning."
                                                                --from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

Shades and Echoes:
A Study in the Sound of Poetry

Salvador Dali - Poetry of America

A Webquest for Eighth Grade Language Arts
Designed by Sean Cahill
St. Ursula Villa


Introduction / Task / Process / Rubric / Conclusion / Listing of Audio Poets / Credits


National Public Radio (NPR), which can be heard in Cincinnati on 90.9 FM and 91.7 FM,  was founded in 1970 with the goal of developing "programming that will be responsive to the interests of the people."  They have been successful in this endeavor, as evidenced by the nearly 20 million people who listen to their shows every week in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

The Task

As part of an ongoing series called "Echoes," NPR will focus on the life, work, and influence poets have had on life in the 20th and 21st centuries.  You are part of a team who will research and write a piece that is roughly seven minutes on one of the following poets: E.E. Cummings, Robert Frost, May Swenson, Langston Hughes, Gary Soto, Lucille Clifton, or Maya Angelou.  (Your editor will assign your poet to you.)

Your piece needs to include the following:


The Process

Poets. org
Poetry Portal
Electronic Poetry Center
Poets' Biographies
Biographies: The Poets
The Poet's Bookshelf
The Internet Poetry Archive
On-line dictionary
How to Read a Poem (Pubweb)
How to Read a Poem (Temple)
Strangers to Us All
Poetry (Nikki Giovanni)
Poetry (Billy Collins)