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Welcome to the Scary Puppy-Dog Basket

of Poetry, Drawing, and DOOOOOOOMMM!!!!

Ah, my sad, sad, defunct page. How It tears me up inside. Or rather, how it should, but strangely doesn't. Go here for anything of recency

Why, these are some of Ben's undiscovered writings!!! Earlier, silly poems, and other basic junk. Sadly, this is what I do all day.

Do you like Chrono Trigger? Do you like crappy files?? Well you're in luck, it's the Chrono Trigger Crappy Pic Archive!!!! A wide variety both of pictures and some music. Hosted by the inventor of the Nu banner. l337..

Old, bad, bad bad bad pictures.

Coldfyre's page, for your viewing pleasure, now with a comic!!! NEW masterful poems by the man, myth, legend, and unofficial editor of the 'Puppybasket'. Yerf-tacular. Not Yiffy. NOT yiffy.

Comments? Suggestions? Death threats? E-mail me at:

Got some webspace at the VCL quite a while back. Made the move to Deviant Art (way above. top.) recently. Nate finally posted his comic, but then his hard drive sucked! Oh no! You dumb bastard Macintosh! What? You can get to Nate's page here. Most of my new drawings are going to DeviantArt, And nothing new will ever go here again. Still trying to crank out the poetry, but failing. In other words: both sections are staying open!! Open AND DEAD!!!!!!!

Try and find the secret page. Just try and find it! DOn'T TOUcH My VAN, SUCKA!
