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Poem Entries
June 2, 2005
Publication Project 4th Quarter
Now Playing: Free Verse Poem

Black Blizzard

By William Yuan

The golden sun slows disappears
behind a cluster of white clouds
sitting on the horizon
The scorched acre of land begs for a drop of water.
It is coming.

A clear, blue sky begins to grow dim.
The once white clouds start to darken
like gray smoke, as they leap down
onto the ground.
Many farmers abandon their useless fields,
hoping to escape from what lies ahead
It is coming.

People begin to run the frantic run,
gathering their children,
the begin to shut their doors.
The strong wind begins to push,
pushing the dark cloud of dirt.
It is a black blizzard, hanging low,
hugging the Earth.

It can be seen from afar,
as it begins to roll
thrashing and destroying everything in its path,
like a gargantuan ogre on a rampage.
Birds fly away in terror
and the weak
perish from the face of the earth.
Has the world come to an end?

The powerful wind dictates the black cloud
as it pushes it across the plains,
rolling and rolling
over the dry, rocky farmland.
No one dare leaves their house,
for the black blizzard
will smother all who draw near.

Engulfing its surroundings like mad,
suffocating the town
this black roller is evil.
It shows no compassion
and only guffaws at those
who suffer.
Plowing through livestock,
sweeping the land clean.
The people can only wait
in their house, trapped and afraid.
Has the world come to an end?

The gusty wind knocks silently, scratching on the door,
tapping ever so slightly.
The howling wind laughs demonically,
luring the people to come out.
Hours and hours go by,
and the black roller finally rolls away.
As the people walk outside
into the arid, barren land,
they learn that the black roller must never return.

Posted by poetry/poetrynet at 8:46 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: June 2, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
April 5, 2005
Publication Project 3rd Quarter
Now Playing: Free Verse Poem

By William Yuan

The B-29 bomber speeds through a morning sky,
inching toward the target,
its crew has one purpose.
Aboard is the second sun,
an immense force created by man.
It's ready.

Racing closer and closer,
the men’s heart
are pitch black,
like a solar eclipse
evil and demented.
It's ready sir.

The plane looks like a silver blimp,
overlooking the target
a T-shaped bridge,
In Hiroshima.

Blood rushing faster and faster,
in a matter of seconds
bomb bay doors unlock.
The bomb is the second sun,
falling over the vast horizon
onto the terrain.

It lets out a deafening roar,
unleashing its wrath,
exploding like a boiling pot.
Releasing an enormous flash,
brilliant light stabbing the eyes like needles
that seemed to last forever.

As the light diminishes,
a gargantuan ball of fire begins to grow.
Engulfing everything within sight,
igniting phone poles like kitchen matches,
twisting power lines as if they were licorice,
incinerating most of the city.

Puffy white clouds begin to vanish,
the purple gray smoke begins to rise,
rolling into the air in yellow, scarlet, and green flashes
like a mushroom blossoming.
What have we done?

Birds in flight burst into flame,
exalting to the mighty apocalyptic power.
Its nuclear fist pounding the city flat,
crumbling buildings as if they were playing cards.

No one can stop its power,
almost an endless supply of destructive energy,
making mountains rumble,
blasting everything out of sight.

The city is smothered in a thick blanket of dust.
As the scorching flames continue to burn
human skins like rubber,
thouands of limp bodies lie on the ground.
Their pain is gone,
no suffering but,
My God, what the hell have we done…?

Posted by poetry/poetrynet at 9:01 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: April 5, 2005 9:04 PM CDT
January 10, 2005
Publication Project 2nd Quarter
Now Playing: Free Verse Poem

Rocket Launch
By William Yuan

He prepares for takeoff
revving his engines full speed,
towering over the massive crowd
and viewing his surroundings with a cause.

He is a basketball player who
and waits until the time.
Seeking the chance for an open shot
his heart leaps
and jumps in excitement
challenging anyone who dares defy,
he stands still
and motionless like a giant,
waiting to CRUSH those who draw near.

He’s open to launch
into the dry damp air
the power is surging like thunder
he becomes mad, vicious,
every eye is glued to him
and in a matter of seconds
Unleashes the power the crowd applauds
5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... BLAST OFF!

His feet are flaming
a burning inferno
consuming his energy
and gathering momentum,
s l o w l y
and majestically
jumps high in slow motion

Launches the satellite through the air
traveling like a silver comet
a round, rough, polished shell rolls about,
circling ‘round and ‘round
the crowd gasps…it drops!
like a shooting star
from the heavens of the sky.

Posted by poetry/poetrynet at 3:54 PM CST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: January 10, 2005 4:07 PM CST
October 10, 2004
Publication Project 1st Quarter
Now Playing: Free Verse Poem

By William Yuan

The radiant golden sun rises
over the vast horizon.
Its gentle rays warming the town like a blanket.
The sky, a palette of blues,
looks down.
Its soft white clouds like puffy marshmallows,
the air begins to get as hot as a steaming oven.

A cloudy blue sky begins to grow dim.
The once white clouds start to darken,
suffocating the ball of light
that slowly disappears
behind a shadowy dark sky of gray smog.
Black clouds start to mourn their sad song,
drops of rain tap the earth
tap, tap, tapping faster, dropping
like a thousand needles pricking the earth.

The birds fly frantically in confusion,
people hastily shut their windows
in fear.
The green forest of trees,
short and tall,
begin to sway.
The gusty wind howls like a wolf,
and scrapes at the shutters.
What is happening?

Suddenly, an immense flash of light
tears through the window blinds
followed by a loud bellowing,
releasing its anger and wrath
The house lights flicker off like candles.
What is happening?

A fierce whirlwind kicks up,
plowing through blades of grass like shredded paper,
growing bigger and bigger, taking shape into
a funnel shaped spinning vortex,
evil, demented.
It blasts through the town
sweeping away houses as if they were toy blocks,
lifting trucks into the air,
then slamming them down onto the ground
into pieces of dust.
It rains harder, nothing can stop it.
A thunder wave strikes down a tree,
snapping its trunk like a toothpick,
setting it on fire,
bursting into scorching flames,
the burning ember develops into a burning inferno.

A living fire engulfs the town,
melting houses like candle wax,
Cruel Mother Nature guffaws,
using her might, she turns the rain into hail,
hail, into ice.
Freezing, unbreakable
icicles as sharp as knives,
and as tough as stone,
falling and dropping faster and faster.
Chaos spreads through out the black day,
the town is reduced to rubble.
Innocent lives are harmed,
catastrophe is everywhere.
Mother Nature, what have you done?

Posted by poetry/poetrynet at 8:41 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: October 10, 2004 8:40 PM CDT

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