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.:*Poetry Galore*:.

Hey!  Welcome to my poetry page.  I post all the poems that I write hereWell, here they are....


Why Do You Cry?

Why do you cry?

Is it because you were told that your dreams can never be met?

Is it because you were falsely accused without an alibi?

Or is it because you feel as if you can't ever be loved?


Why did your smile suddenly disappear?

Is it because you just realized that you will never be with the one you love?

Is it because you think about what this world is coming to and it's just too saddening?

Perhaps it's because it summed up to be too much when you compared war and hate to peace and love.


Well I'll tell you one thing, okay?

Since I'm your best friend and I always will be,

I'll make you happy again one day,

And that's a promise between just you and me.


My Escape

After a day of hard work at school,

I come home and rest for the day was so cruel.

My home is not the typical house,

But a land full of blooming flowers and clouds.


Here you might find it to be lonely,

But it's an escape from all hardships -- never having to worry.

It's my own treat of the day,

Just sit around, dream, and play.


The roses here remind me of the one I love,

And to whom I'll always be a fan of.

The clouds here remind me of all the dreams I had,

In which one of them was that special lad.


I always come here everyday to let myself go,

And on my own I learn and grow.

Maybe one day I'll finally give up this land,

Hopefully to be with the one I love hand in hand.


Walking Down Third  Street

One cold and rainy night,

As I walk down Third Street,

I suddenly remember you,

And I'm lost in my thoughts.


Sometimes I think,

That you're walking by me,

But I'm just a lonely shadow,

Walking down Third Street.


I look around me,

And I see people staring,

People running,

People committing crime.


I listen closely to the dark night,

And I hear people yelling,

Cars speeding by and honking,

Boom boxes and headphones blaring.


I close my eyes,

To block everything out,

And I think of you,

Trying to imagine you were here.


But I open up my eyes again,

And I look up at the starry sky,

Realizing that I can't ever,

Be with you.


A tear trickles down my cheek,

As I look away from the sky to the concrete ground,

I'm just a lonely shadow,

Walking down Third Street.


Hanging On

I sit staring out my bedroom window,

Looking out at the pouring rain.

My brother's downstairs playing Nintendo,

While I'm up here with an emotional pain.

I ask myself why I feel this way,

All the sadness, depression, and anger in my heart.

Funny cuz I couldn't come up with the answer right away,

So I just tell myself everything's gonna be alright.

But I know that there must be something wrong,

Cuz I couldn't get over it somehow.

Still I must hold up strong,

I couldn't let it take me over now.

I don't wanna believe that my dreams will never come true,

Cuz I know for sure that I can reach them if I try.

I wish that many of those young ones would've seen my point of view,

They didn't have to end their life over something they didn't even try.



Love is a word so strong,

Don't bother saying it,

If you don't mean it,

Or it'll come out all wrong.


Love at first sight is very rare,

It's not something that happens everyday,

But if it somehow happens to you today,

Better confront it to the non-believers and share.


Love is something money can't buy,

It's either already there,

Or it'll slowly build up when you really care,

It's a factor that'll take you to a point so high.


Love is something that doesn't exist for everyone,

Either some people hate all the time,

Or they don't get it every time,

For some people, love has just begun.

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