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This is my Poetry


You all can stare at me

Point your fingers

Your whole family can suck my dick

It was all you, you, you

Well now it can be just YOU


So many nights I have lingered in shame

I tried to love you

You tried to hang me like a frame

Well don’t waist your time

I will do it just fine

Screw my prime

I shall be fine

I was about to blow my head

the mixed emotions I miss read

Unpacked the shotgun instead

Grand dad was looking down on me

Wouldn’t want him to know I used his gun

Shit I thought it would have been fun

Split second of pain vs life time of hurt

You fuckin made me feel like a piece of shit

You bitch

I hope my shit eatin grin makes you hurl

Doubtful god created creatures like you

Society grabbed you by your horns

You fell hands and knees

I would corn your holes

Wouldn’t stop even if you bleed

Cold hearts as yours

Don’t beat

Kind of creatures such as you

Spread your disease

I had it for awhile

Slowly will make progress

Tried to bring back my warmth glow

Lost my spirit for awhile

Tried what thought would work

Razor blades, speed, needles

Nothing worked

I was stuck with your disease

Only one can win

To be continued ……….



Temptation finds me

With every breath I take

It is on my mind

Needles scare me

But I beg for more

Give it to me Charlie I say

Might be the last day

I fight the hunger

Temptation, it always finds me

Sweat beads off my forehead

As I walk alone

The hunger builds

My body hurts in a old familiar way.

Ready for that daily relief

I said give it to me



I am my own worst enemy

Will never accept my flaws

I will never be good enough

If I’m not good enough for myself

How will I ever be good enough for another

Satisfied with myself

I think NOT

I am never happy

I wonder why I even bother

Wish this damn cut would stop clotting

Even blotting, it still clots

One day I will succeed

This is all about I

Don’t know why

I doesn’t exist



Another night at the bar

Impaled & unable to drive

Will this be the night I end it in this car

Words spoken are slow and thick

I’m sure I acted like a prick

Scavenging for a fight

Would reassure I still can feel

Friends stopped me saying it is not bright

My heart feels like a dried out peace of vial

I grew up too fast

Memories of warmth at home

Love so strong was not worth any cash

Friends and family hand me advice

I’ve had enough

No more advice no more fingers shacking

I am breaking can’t you see?

Don’t do that that is not right

You are doing it wrong

I just want to be held

A simple hug would do

Please stop standing outside

Come in and join me

Put the advice aside

Human compassion is all I need

I do agree

Keeping this up will kill

Emotionally I am already dead

As another glass is filled

My mind is on going to bed

That in it’s self I dread

Some nights demolishing this car don’t seem so bad

Would hurt less than facing another empty cold bed

True love is so much stronger than this

Once had a glance of it

May find it one day

That day I hope comes before the demolition



Fear of the world

So very cruel

Tired of all the mess

I crave the caress

Hunger is so strong

I’ve waited so very long

Starving for human contact

I need to react

There is a huge section

For affection

I can dream of the warmth

As though so real

I awake



It’s another affair

A mist of air

He appeared

Shook his head in disgrace

He spoke aloud

I would not be here today

If not for to stop you

You are decaying

You’re a lost dove

For running away from love

Your love is for self-destruction

Please stop, your time will come

I watch over

No hurry for to you visit me

And in that he was gone

As I became coherent

An old familiar feeling came over me



As we all have them

We forget of their presence

Now the shadow of you and I

We all seek to find

In various places

All shapes and kinds

The appearance in the mirror

One shown before and in others eyes

Is that what we shall hide

We all have them

Wither they lead

Fallow or stand beside

Look beneath your bark

You shall find

They more often than not

Are our guide

More I strive the more I survive

Like you or I

We all try to do the best

From one day to the next

Small pieces of problems collect

Regardless of rain or shine

Within a 360 there is a sign

We are all shared with one

That one you must find

That one was always in your mind



Soul searching

Answer seeking

Making people happy

He sure felt crappy

Image in the mirror

It can’t make him smile

It’s his life

Right or wrong

He doesn’t let them

No one tells him how to live it

But he could use some advice

He has his vices

Friends call it a crisis

He’s come to a crossroad

His life weighs in the balance

He said once

“I could see myself in a pine box soon”



I sometimes wish you’d be gone

It was good, sometimes great

The more I know, it seems the more I hate

You were on me like white on rice

You acted like a mad dog with lice

All I wanted was for you to be nice

You scratched hard to get ahead

Even at times to get me in your bed

It’s hard to face you

Your attraction makes me feel blue

I have no clue

I don’t give up my loving that easily

Being around you makes me feel sleazy

As though I am a farm animal

Displayed in a window for all the cannibals

I’m not for free samples or sale

So before things get worse I will bail



I met you through a friend

You were nice, sweet and caring

I really liked that you were so daring

We were so young back then

The real world didn’t exist

I couldn’t hold on

I couldn’t resist

The pleasure was so great

I lost sight of my true feelings

I didn’t listen to you when you said it

I thought it was a guilt trip

Trying to trap me into a relationship

Looking back on it I wonder if it had to be that way

I ignored you, didn’t have much to say

I regret that dearly now

You tried to tell me you liked me

I didn’t want to believe it.

Finally when I had the guts to call

I only got your mom and she started to ball

I didn’t understand what was going on

She explained it to me

You were in the hospital

I couldn’t grasp the concept

A week before you were in my arms

Now you are hanging on to life that you tried to take

Your mom said you were asking for me

I couldn’t figure out what I had done

Something terrible just occurred

It was because of me

Everything is such a blur

You were not allowed visitors

They had ran countless test on you to figure out why

When I asked if you could have been pregnant

Your mom didn’t answer

This made me concerned of what I had truly done

I was waiting for you to be released and call me

That day never came for months no word

I finally found out you had successfully done it

I was shocked and hurt whole heartily

Once they told me the details I didn’t want to hear no more

You might have gotten what you want

I believe we could have worked out another conclusion

I will never know cause now you are gone

I had a chance to show you love but not truly give it

I will never forget you and the life long lesson you have taught me

It shouldn’t take this degree of insult to learn a simple lesson

You never know your true impact on someone

The same goes for yourself once they are gone that is it

You have no second chances to express yourself

No matter how it is expressed let it out there may not be a tomorrow

Missy I will always remember you






I hardly ever get surprised by anything now days. I was the other day however surprised. a friend revealed their most intamate feelings that have been bottled up for some time. I am proud they charished me enough to open up to me with them. my thoughts after the conversation left me staggered. a bit confused I admit, however I expressed I can relate to alot of the term oils they were swimming through. I can relate. everyone deserves the story line picture of the world we are all braught up to visualize happening to us. for some finishing high school getting a steady job along with finding that special person and start a family. for some it is to finish high school get a career and stability setup then focus on a family portrait. on either side of the pasture they can be really great or a disaster. everyone deserves the right to love and be loved. I myself find myself tossing in my cold bed wishing i had someone to snuggle with. so on that lovly note I am gonna close out this train of thought. for those that haven't experiance true "love" you will for those that have been hurt may you be eased with the breathe of more to come your way.

12/1/03 The past month has been an interesting experiance. went from one job to another one. noticing how you treat people in general with an over all picture involved. when you treat them with respect and a little class. you get so much in return most of the time. there are some times you don't get that back but that just give me the motivation to push even harder to influance that situation.

E-Mail: Perry