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By Raynette Eitel

Welcome to my web page. Words are my art form and I ask you to take time to enjoy paintings in a gallery. Don't try to read everything at one sitting. First, consider thoughtfully the topics that hold most interest to you and go there.
 Be surprised.
          Be happy, sad, angry.
                    Laugh and cry and as you leave this site,
                              vow to return for more.

I have written poetry since I first learned to spell. Growing up in the Southwest, I felt a kinship with distant mesas, a wonderment at the miracle of mirage on the desert floor and rainbows slipping across a night sky. Moving to Colorado Springs as a young adult, I watched Pikes Peak in all its seasons and learned to love pure white snowflakes covering the brown earth with frozen magic.

As I am retired and traveling often from place to place, I find that my muse dwells in certain areas I visit. Sedona, Arizona is a place I count on for poems whispered in my ears. Hawaii brings poetry rolling on the crests of waves and scattering about its beaches. Even here in Las Vegas where I live and work, I find poetry waiting to jump on the screen of my computer. I'm so happy to share some of it with you and would love to hear from you by e-mail. You'll find my address at the bottom of the page.

The poems are organized in these categories. Click on the category to see the titles under that category.


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© Raynette Eitel 2002

Photo courtesy of Pikes Peak