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Welcome to the place where I can truly express and be myself, my poetic joy can and will be found within the pieces of poetry found on this site. Of course it is only a sample of everything that I have written, but it will give you, the reader a glimpse in to who I am and how I live my life. So I invite you to get comfortable and allow me to spread a bit of Poetic Joy to you.

P.O.E.T.R.Y ~ Pieces of Eternal Thoughts Recited for You

Pieces of thoughts
Pieces of life
Pieces of love
Pieces of imagination
Pieces of me

Written on paper
Written in ink
Written in pencil
Written in color
Written in love

Recited alone
Recited together
Recited with tears
Recited with laughter
Recited for all
© M. Devnew 2003

Poetic Joy

Freedom flows through me
Thoughts echo through my head
Write them quickly before they are dead
A scrap of paper a pen
A piece of cloth a marker
Words form
Phrases form
Thoughts form
Images form
A final creation
A work of art
Will it be published?
Will it be shared?
Give it as a gift use it to spread joy
Freedom flows through me
Thoughts echo through my head
Write them quickly before they are dead
© M. Devnew 2003

Click on the title to be taken to the poem:

Three in the RainFamilyPeace
KnowledgeAs the Crow FliesMy Favorite Things
Verses Fill My HeadSilent DreamsWriter's Block