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Poetic Angels House of Love


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My name is Alicia I am 24 years old and am a mother of two beautiful baby boys. I am Married to a man named Scott.

I was born To Edward an old hippie and Cheryl a reclousive hermit... I have an older brother Matthew ... I want to Thank my family for giving me life .

My friends

Cherlyn- Thanks for being my bitch all these years Jennifer- Thanks for being there Sybil- Awesome chica

Chatter friends: Justin- You are a god send Shane- My freaky bitch hehe Jilly- I am your Pal Doc-where would I be without you? ArchAngel-You are such a great friend Don't forget to breathe.

It's been a while sense I've updated this site... but here it goes... I enjoy watching Veronica Mars.. and a bunch of reality shows curently lol.. I like nip tuck also and the soprano's... I'm a crazy chica with a pain in the ass problem called Iga deficincy... I have recently discovered I may have rumitory arthritus and Lupis... so hey be praying cause I go to the doctors on March the 28th to find out. Original poetry By Poetic angel



If I fall you catch me If I cry you'll wipe away the tears If I stumble from grace you'd pull me back up you'll be with me for years Things are just heavenly here in your arms the sight of you yeilds me hiding anyfears lifting me through the clouds on a sea of destiny it's so sad it's not reality You scream and you yell Get the hell away You fight and you pounce tear me limb from limb breaking my heart over and over again Things are just horrid here in my hell makes me want to sink back to my shell The site of you yeilds me bringing me to tears pushing me below the ground on a flame of missery It's so sad It's reality Tossing and turning Don't know which way to go Do I live the fantasy and wipe away my tears or do I live in reality and try conquering my fears

----------------------------------- Run free Wild spirit....

Sometimes it's good to stand next to the fire to take a chance you might get burned but, if you don't try how will you make it without seeing life you never will So close you eyes and run with that wild spirit I can see it in your eyes calling Don't just sit around like a sheep , a robot in a 9 to 5 world, Go run onto the hilltop, follow the wind wild child, I know you need to run, Don't give up on the dreams. Don't let it be just a fantasy! RUN! ----------------------------------------

------------------ Breathe just breathe....

There once was a girl who was lost she looked high for the answers she'd been searching for but, no answer came. So she started looking left to the left was a road full of alcohol and drugs she tasted as much as she could but, still no answers so she started looking right to the right was a road full of lust and sexual vices She went to man to man but, still no answers So she started looking low to this dark and dreary road where suicide was her temptation She had slit her wrist and downed a bottle of pills only to have stitches and her stomach pumped. So exaughsted from her journey she screamed profanitys but, suddenly a peace came over her as she looked in the mirror... I'm not lost I know who and where I am She looked at her body studying every inch The moral of the story is you can't look to anyone or anything for the answers you have to look inside yourself and breathe just breathe.

---------------------------- Women Unite.....

I'm an independent woman a real one to be true I'm not thin or a model I don't care to suit you I don't wear a size five pants but, I do love to dance with or without you. I have my own opinion I have my own mind I love to be wined and dined I don't need a man to make me happy or to make me smile I only need a good book and hot bath to drown my sorrow see I'm an independent woman a real one to be true I live life for me with or without you.

------------------------------------ My greatest heartache....Dedicated to Timmy

Go now my love in a peaceful sleep I will be your widow I will weep and than untill forever yours I will be Now go my love in a peaceful sleep look down on me from heaven above don't worrie you will always have my love To another my heart I will never give from now untill forever as long as I live Now go my love in a peaceful sleep I will be your widow forever I will weep.

------------------------- Goodnight Ally K. dedicated to gun control....

Christmas was on the way little girl named ally k was waiting for santa to come but, all she found under the tree was a gun she thought it wasn't real she thought it was fake but, pulling that trigger was a mistake she blead under the misltoe a kiss from mama as she go sweet dreams little princess goodnight forever guess dad shouldn't have left his gun out or they would be together.

------------------------ Drinking toast....

So many choices so many lies so many answers too much crime how long do we have to turn to drugs couldn't live much longer on addiction to love heart's will be broken some of us will die some will be confused left here to cry the end is near closer than we think but, hell sense we're here lets have another drink.

----------------------- Benjamin My love...

When I looked in your eyes for the very first time I saw what I had missed in life You are my everything my baby boy you are my very pride and joy If I didn't have you I would fade I love to make you laugh and to watch you play you are the most perfect sight I've ever seen when you have children you'll see what I mean I love you my baby boy you are my very pride and joy.

--------- Just fly.....

I can not love you, for you can not fly You can't tame a wild thing such as I You can't pin me down I guess you've know all along I'm leaving no turning back no more looking to the past no more chains holding me down so goodbye you dead end town.


I sit alone and wish upon a star, wondering if I'm still in your heart wondering if you care asking you to be there I need you now more than before Please don't walk out the door Please don't leave me here to cry please don't let our love just die please do what I say... Please I'm asking you to stay.

Moving on ... yeah right....

I made a promise I intended to keep I never wanted to hurt you but, I was so weak I didn't want to fall again I said my heart was yours but, how can I live my life without opening doors Why did you have to leave forever is much to long I have to try to love now even though you are gone at your grave I whisper I am alright I can feel your presense but, something isn't right I feel Your heart breaking picturing him and I why did you have to leave me why did you have to die So it's just a dream to find someone new but, even if I found him my heart belongs to you.

Daughters dreams...

I failed again father what can I say I fail at everything every which way I am a loser from the minute you start to be proud My entire body is followed by grey clouds I try so hard to make it all for you apperintlly not enough I only know I'm doombed Still I continue doing my all and I'm only waiting for you to say "I'm proud of you everyday"

Ok that's just a couple more poems... Not very good but, hey The rest of my poetry Got ruined in a great big flood. Perhaps one day I'll be able to write again but, I'm blocked for now... enjoy... I will be posting songs as soon as I get a page attached.

I just want to give a special thanks to my friends and family.

--------------------------------------- Hope you enjoy this site.

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This site isn't much but, It's just the begining. Enjoy.
