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Poem Dip

Stepping Into the Unknown

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What is poem Dip all about?

What is Doem Dip all about?

Poem Dip is about sharing my poems with others, inspiring htem and getting feedback. It is true that many teens these days think poems rot. Well i am the weirdo then. Taxi Driver.

Poems are great. If you dont like them then there should a special one just for you. Poems are not meant to be analyzed at school.They are just the way the author relates with other people. Anyway your favourite songs are poems. Just say thme aloud you'll notice.

I wrote most of the poems in this site at night. It si when i am most able to write. I am restless with thouughts about the past day, so have a lot to write.

Now a bit about my! My name is Dipti(the site is poem DIP). I was born in India and came to Canada at age 5. Now i am 13 and willturn 14 in October. I will be going to highschool and am really spooked about that. There fore i have one or two ppoems on highschool. I hope you enjoy the site.