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A d a m C a m e r o n
















Last Updated : August 5 , 2003

Ive Started basic work on this page , for now it will just be basic text and tables. I will add some Images and such later on. For now this will just be a place for me to put the things I write and Some of the songs I have made. That will pretty much be the most of it . I will update regularly so keep come back if you want something new to read.

Also you can see my Web Log Xanga page here.. I will Put up some of the things I write Which I like most on that page too. But as far as little things I write here and there . Every thing will be on this page to be viewed anytime. Some of the sound clips for the songs I have done will be up . They are all instrumental , but maybe sooner or later I might add some sort of vocals to them. Make sure to check out the links I will post soon. All which will be good .