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The Philosophers Stone

± Rules ± Calendar ± Profiles ± Contests
± Writing ± Art Gallery ± Role-Playing


And here's your wonderful default welcome message! This is normal bit that welcomes you to our wonderful guild and tells you all about it. ^_^

This guild is for four different kinds of people. Well, perhaps they aren't so different after all [we hope]. If you're an experienced role-player, feel free to join here. It's always helpful to know where we can find people with good ideas and punctuation, eh?

We also welcome another type of role-player -- those with diversity. For the creative ones, we love to play around with trying out all types of different characters, correct? So why should females be looked down upon for playing male characters -- and vice-versa? You're very welcome here if you do. After all, quite a few of these females are very good role-players.

Thought I was done with the role-players, I take it? One last group of them, I promise. ^_~ The other types that are welcome here are shounen-ai and shoujo-ai RPers, whether you're a male or a female -- it doesn't matter, really. Another group to be glad to come across, right?

The main aspect of this guild is that we are a place for those interested in writing. Sure, you can write fanfics and everything, but there are also those of us who piece together an entire storyline and characters from scratch. This guild was created to help those of us who need a little help along the way to completing their works. Most of the people here, especially the council members, will be glad to help you in editing, revising, and proofreading your story. Along with helping with ideas.

So if you're a writer of fanfiction, poetry, original stories, or just a great role-player, feel free to join. ^_^