The Dragon's Empire

People mainly ask me if I'm freaky, and I have to say that no I am not. I am just a creative and free spirit. I love animals and I am just a cuddly type of girl. I don't like people who aren't themselves and I absolutely hate to see a person with low self-esteem, especially when I can see all that God has done for them. I go to church regularly, and I am saved. My paster is Rev. Pastor Lee and my youth pastor is Rev. Hall. They are two people that I love truely. My mommy is my heart and I love her so much that I couldn't even begin to express it with words. My brother, Billy, is also my heart and he is my motivation in life because he keeps me on my toes. It would devastate me to dissappoint him. Mark is my friend and I love him with every fiber of my being because he's there for me, always. To the people that visit my pages, I thank you for your time and patience. It has occured to me that most people would rather see and read pretty things than to read a bunch of opinions and crap. So don't get impatient. This is a poem that I wrote, I hope that you like it. Like I said, I absolutely love animals. This my dog Abbygale. AWE! _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ My favorite movie star would have to be... COOKIE MONSTER! I know that I am forgetting something... What is it? AH YES

The Dragon's Rulz

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