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People and Places

It's poetry and prose. It's three bucks. It's a chapbook.


So, Dear Reader, this is where you can get my chapbook, if you so desire. Of course, you'll still have to mail me three bucks to cover the postage, but I would say, in my own, amateurish speculation, that it's worth it. It contains such "as seen on Working Girl" favourites as "Spit Droplets Everywhere" and "The Boy Who Believed in Chairman Mao" plus a lot of other stuff. If nothing else, you can read it in the loo. So here's how it works: 1. You send me an email with the subject heading "Chapbook" specifying how many books you want and your address 2. I send you a mailing address 3. You mail the dough. 4. You get your book.