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Have you ever seen your Blooded dying son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father..crying in pain and for help....when you can't help them..

What can possibly justify killing of a child who works all day long with his small soft hands, just to eat single time's meal, a stale piece of bread, by the people who are world's biggest consumer of everything. He had same flesh and blood, he dreamed of his small dreams with his bright eyes open, smiling innocently, he loved his mother, his hard working father and his sisters. Who all died because they were born in IRAQ and lived a hard life.

Tell me how would you feel if some stranger who kicks your children and wife and spits on your face and then kills you all.

"If you want to test the real character of a person , give him power"

Killing and abusing less fortunate people because they have the power and don't even feel "SORRY" for it. Just look at the stupid who killed thousands at will, the biggest terrorist of the world, openly bragging around and proud of killing thousands of innocents and destroying entire life of millions. "Texas cowboy" just took his "father's revenge". Now come kiss his ass if you want to be branded as a warrior on the good side. I don't know how, they don't feel the weight of millions of innocent souls on their shoulders?..Stench of blood on their hands?..That's one of the reason, I don't have the same faith in god as I used to have as a child.

I wonder how do they manage to take away the souls of the soldiers, who fight these fictitious wars for them, leaving their loved ones they shower with blood of innocents. It's not an undeniable fact that human spirit can't take suppression and if it's suppressed too much, it shall explode. You can't ignore human spirit.

It's a very simple fact "Hate only generates stronger and worse Hate" .
How much money will you spend on security and weapons?
How many countries will you blow up?
Whatever you do, In the end you'll loose the thing you love the most...Freedom.

Because they are powerful. They show the finger to the UN. Doesn't UN signify countries of ALL the world. I am ashamed of all countries of the world. Isn't this your world or the world has become one big US driven by a blind stupid and his ignorant personal. Tell me how can you expect these filthy rich people to feel for the man working hard under the sun all day in AFRICA or AFGHANISTAN. Give me a reason why you think they have any power or right to decide the fate of him.

" When you become too involved with the idea of any community (country, religion..) , You stop existing as a human "

You who hate one particular religion, tell me WHAT do you know about the history of your religion? All religions that have propaganda of spreading their religion, are nothing but evil themselves.

There is one important condition to have a equal world, Unbiased media, which is highly unlikely when 99% media is owned by the US and remaining by their Allies. How do you expect these news giants to be unbiased and go against the president, Govt. and the US policies? It's a shame that a man's life has different value if he is from US and completely different if he's from AFGHANISTAN. Today , world NEEDS, US to have a human president, not some stupid talking hotshot but someone who respects human life and love, maybe a female president.

It's now for people of the US to wake up and do something about it.

In today's modern world, only a stupid can think that "Wars will make his country secure". When today, the science of destruction is out in the open.

It's strange, how blind nationalism had people hating and booing people like Michael moore! Who is sticking and standing against the storm to tell the truth. Thanks Michael, world needs Humans like you.

Do you hate me now

Because I can see these wars of revenge going bigger until one bright light ends us ALL.

Because I think the enormous money that US spent on wars and weapons, could have been used to give uncountable hungry, poor, homeless, helpless, hopeless children and people, a shelter, a school, a glass of milk, a loaf of bread..a chance to survive..

Because I stand against Killing of poor and helpless, who don't know about their basic rights..and the Murderer goes free and laughing.

Because I think every single of us is a HUMAN first and every single innocent person is equal.

Because I can see it's wrong that youth are being blinded into hate.

Because I love people of US just as I love people from around the world, but I despise their giving power to people who kill innocents.

I am sticking it out here because I know, they will not like it, they might label me a Terrorist! I am scared of them, blind men.But I wanna speak for the truth..because if I don't, I would be dead anyway, just like millions who choose to be.

Who am I? I am just a stupid boy who feels for human life. So that makes me a terrorist supporter for some people.

Peace and Prosperity

World needs to see these films..

. Chavez: Inside the Coup

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