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I don’t know what is going on with my life
it seams like I always mess up
but I am never assured it is my fault
for simple misunderstandings plague me
I really don’t understand why
every time my life is looking up
I fall desperately short
as soon as one problem is figured out
another one pops up again
right exactly when
I think all my problems are gone
another one taps me on the shoulder
and hits me like a punch in the gut
some day it may be understood
maybe I’ll always wonder why
looking forward I know
that I have to try
I have to search for a better day
when all my troubles take a second priority
and what I want takes first
maybe misunderstandings will be under stood
maybe I will never be heard
try is the best thing I can do
and other than that
just break down and cry
for someday I know
every thing will be
good as it once used to be
