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concert updates

poetry page

quotes page

to email me
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New inane rambling added!

Well, here's my second attempt at building a web page, but this time, I am actually writing the code for it. So bear with the simplicity and I will do my best to make it look pretty. With any luck, this will just be a skeleton of what will come in the future as I try to add complexity and prettiness...or something like that.

So far I have a Poetry Page, a Quotes page and I recently added a Concert Updates webpage. Those are pretty self-explanatory... Other fun includes March of Dimes information and a link to their site. I'm hoping to add some music info and links to the sites of some local bands. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to email me.

So I don't know if anyone noticed, but my webpage has a logo now! That makes me feel special, like I actually have a website that people may wish to visit, but who knows. But the swifty new logo was made by a buddy of mine, so the credit goes to Smack for the awesome artwork. To see more of his stuff, go to By the way - Thanks so much man, it's awesome!