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Along This Journey Of Life In Many Ways
We Find It Present Thru The Days
At Times Seeming Stronger Then Life
The Thoughts That Slip Us Into A Sleep At Nite

Rush To See The Happenings Of Present
Neglect To See The Effect As Decent
As Times Pass And Boundaries Overthrown
We All Find One Thing Sacred, Thus Our Home

As You Stop To Ponder The Meaning Of Life
As You Feel Fate Cut As So A Knife
Know That Destiny Is Not Always Fame
Honesty Is A Vertue So Many Need To Obtain

Life Gives You Many Chances To Fulfill What You Seek
A Slim Doorway Leads Thus The Journey You Shall Weep
Lend Ye Ear To The Wise
Flee From The Bindings Of The Fools Dispised

Written /Page Created By Master_Cult_AssAssIn
