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The Weeping Angel


The Weeping Angel


An Angel sits weeping in the garden of paradise.

For this angelic being can surely see
The pain and the sorrow in the world.

For so many of God's children have turned away from Thee.

She sits and weeps,
As the world does not know it's place,
Evil effecting all the human race.

She cries tears of sorrow and sadness
wondering what it will take them to see..

That the Savior above
Is still keeping watch over you and me.

She weeps with so much sadness,
Her heart is filled with such love,
She touches us with flutters,
Even though she comes from above..

All around us human beings
from morning until night,

Hoping soon all the world
will be at peace, not a fight,

Weeping angel, wraps her wings around herself in prayer,
That mankind will remember that the answer is God in prayer,

She knows deep in her heart, that the day it is soon to come,
For it was told by the Master up above.

She waits for the time proclaimed By God above

So she can smile again and flutter her gentle wings that spread the love.


Sharon/AngelHeart © June 2006


The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
...where there is injury, pardon;
...where there is doubt, faith;
...where there is despair, hope;
...where there is darkness, light;
...where there is sadness, joy;

Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek be consoled as to console; be understood as to understand; be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive; is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
...and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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Sharon Angelheart :


Page Created By : Pam Gallo

Midi : My Place In This World


©Graphic Set and Poem By : AngelHeart-2006






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