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Paint Me Plain - Thoughts & Essays from a Nobody

Welcome to my pathetic excuse for a webpage. I created this site cuz I was bored out of my mind while sitting in the library between classes at college. Also, I created it so I could have a place online to piss and moan about shit that no one wants to hear.

This website is rated R for bad language, some sexual content, and because the Government would prefer to keep the young generation brainwashed. Makes them easier to train. The thoughts and ideas expressed on this webpage DO reflect the position of the webmaster. Read on if you want to, but it doesn't matter much to me. I didn't make this site for you or anyone else but myself.

This website is not under construction, because that would give people the impression that I'm actively working on improving it. I'll update this site whenever I find something new to bitch about. You aren't gonna find a shitload of cool graphics or anything on this site. Those things are mainly put on sites to entertain other people. This site is not about your entertainment. It's about my thoughts and feelings.

I don't censor stuff on this page unless I really feel like it. Why should I censor myself? I say what I feel, and if you don't like it, tough. This ain't your site. Anyways, it's just words. They don't represent actions. I mean, if I was to write on here that I encourage all children to chop their parents up with meat cleavers, that doesn't mean you should do it. It doesn't even mean I actually believe it. In fact, I don't believe it. If you're thinking about chopping up your parents with meat cleavers, you need intensive therapy right away.

I think I've pretty much covered everything that needs to be covered here. If any of you are still here, you're either nuts, bored out of your skull, a masochist, or all of the above. So, if you really want to, click the link below to enter.
