nao's talking about art..(You can see their artist's page when you click their artworks.)








"HITEN"Horyuji Temple



awwwww....he is my right brain's hubby 4 love his technique,feeling and ambition.
Jean Michel Basquiat (SAMO) "Made in Japan 1 of 2"

=WAK (Kevin A Williams)=

I feel strong vibes & beauty from his artworks always.
WAK "Divine Order"


I taught with his artworks (especial "composition#7") last saturday.
I feel really peaceful spiritual and dramatic..
Almost people doesn't understand about "abstruct art" like his..
but I have to say to people,you have to feel by just your heart,
not your mind (left brain) or eyes,experience thinking,then you can get to know these exellent arts.. :)
Kandinsky "composition#7"


When i walked street,i saw a board what some coating painter's.
That was made from him,but he didn't make it himself,that was made from accidently.
Maybe God made that i thought.
Pollock's most famous artwork is made from God like that board,
but he could made himself also.He could,but other people can't make it like him.
Pollock "Ravender Mist"


I've got his painting book...
what marvelous color does he use?!?!
I learn about "how to designing simply" from his artworks..
mark Rothko "untitled"


I always get what human love(espacial mother & children)from his artworks.
His motif of human are always warmful and the expression which accepts all.
His technique is really gorgeous people ever seen,but i feel his inside from him always..
picasso "child with a dove"


When i saw his artworks the first,(probablly i was 5 or 6)i felt "aww,,this is unpleasant!!"..
Anyway,I really shocked his artworks..
Time passed,I meet his art works again,now I feel I'm still very impressed his artworks.
I feel the lover's erotic from his artworks.
Ikeda Masuo "Like Sunlight"

=other exellent artist's page=

Naz's page with His art on Haiti and the pain of Sickle Cell Disease and black history.
My teacher's profile







Wonderful American visual effects designer/director..
you can see his artworks from TV or MUSIC VIDEO
everywhere in America.


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