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Evils Kiss
Friday, 4 July 2003
I wish i could take you deep inside my inner world.
Me and Corey seem to be getting farther and farther apart. Maybe its because he is so far away right now. Or maybe its because we really ARE growing apart. I really do like corey, but like my friend said "it shouldnt be this hard". i dont want me and corey to end but how can i keep goign when he acts like he doesnt even want to talk to me when HE calls me on the phone. I like him a lot but i cant continue this fiasco of not knowing whether or not he really wants to keep seeing each other. I dont think he trusts me either. Most of my friends are guys and he cant stand it. he says it doestn bother him, but i know it really does. like theis remark he said "next year im oging to have a lot of friends who are girls so you can see how it feels." what the fuck is that all about? i dont hang out with the girls at my school because i hate pretty much all of them. but whatever.....High School love live is so damn pathetic.

Posted by poetry/onelove2 at 5:50 AM GMT
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Sunday, 13 July 2003 - 4:46 PM GMT

Name: Devon

I've been through something like that... I know it sucks. but, maybe it will work out... There are lots of bumpy roads in a relationship... but there a more smooth rides, as well

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