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Happy Tears


Rose Button

I have the love of Jesus
And it's deep down in my soul.
I have a joy I never knew,
Since Jesus took control.

Rose Button

I have a thorn that I must carry
That gives me grief and pain.
Sometimes my tears are heavy,
But still I lay no blame.

Rose Button

My tears are often happy tears
From blessings I have gained.
For God has given me good friends
And for this I give Him praise.

Rose Button

My friends have kept me going
By love and constant prayer.
And some day up in Heaven
They will earn a crown to wear.

Rose Button

My God will not forsake me
For He's in my heart today.
No matter how rough the road may get,
My God will guide my way.

Rose Button

Written by Cocoann= Ann Hart
Copyrighted, Newfoundland Canada,
May 20, 2001


My prayer is that He will guide you
Also, God bless you

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Music playing is "No More Sorrow"
Copyright 2000 Bruce DeBoer
Used by permission