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8 12 2001

intolerable separation.

    If I had the patience, I’d wrap the moon in that gaze.
    He’d be safe from the wounds of the stars, our overlooking sun, and your intolerable ignorance.
    Kept safe in my back pocket, where no one knew he was me, would lie that inner sense of accomplishment. Of trapped thoughts. Of safety. Isn’t that what you instilled in me after all? The illusion of comfort.
    My best friend, the "love of my life". Where the journey down that road always ends up a guilt trip. Those eyes, God those eyes, the loving embrace of my new found light, with his warm face and phosphorescent caress - my own piece of the depths of the universe.
    Sometimes I imagine that’s where I found you, on some deserted island of a planet, encircled by lunar dust and fractional gravity. We’d float around for hours, you giggling, you with that lustful stare, my hands on that silky flesh. After the sun went down, we’d hold each other under the burning sky, our mouths closed, our breaths short and silent. Awakened by ultraviolet heat - burned, scarred on my face. You were gone. Nothing left but lost footsteps, forgotten words, insignificant memories. Onward and upward, my astronomical friend. Back to where you belong, keeping watch over the seas and earth, still marked by the creases of denim. So long, until my human form melts away, left rotting in the stench of your daytime counterpart. Until then, when we can be together. Inseparable. United. Farewell.

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