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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
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previous entry : another excuse next entry: prolongation.

word. to your mother, that is. 10/18/2001

of the stronghearted
and the petals that wilt under pressure.
that flower you call integrity.

several hours pass
and the head of that lion fades
into a mass of melted dignity.

so i look at your face
together we race hand to mouth
as the finish line creeps farther in the distance.

another lasting impression
a carbon copy caught in the works
in the gnashing teeth of the beast.

so you call this home
and i'll be the maid
to keep you busy when you're ready...

but only when you're ready.

previous entry : another excuse next entry: prolongation.
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and the petals that wilt under pressure. that flower you call integrity.

Love this. Love. ! [Tom Mix]

Word to your proverbial mother.

When I'm too distracted by your beautiful poetry to do my own housework, that's when I'll need you as my maid. This is wonderful.

Yours, [SaladinCham]

cleaning up someone's psychological messes can be frustrating.... [antigravity3418]

I think it's weird how this website forms weird little cliques, so to speak. I know you read a lot of what i read and I'm a superfan of Tom Mix and she's a superfan of Saladin...just an observation, not so unique.

You need New York, unique New York. You know you need unique New York. [pinko commie bastard]

that was really good...i liked that! :) [~top totty~]

In response to your note..
That was so insightful...
And besides...
Who said anything about "falling in love"?

RYN: Well its because someone out there will be offended by my opinion of eyebrows or something. I don't know. I ramble in my entries. That was my next thought. :). [Last Diary]

RYN: it's not hitting on when it's vulgar. there's your difference. [peperutka.]

Simply beautiful. [Eye of the Storm]

that was beautiful have the insitefulness of a man on drugs......nevertheless i am utterly impressed.... [lost_soull]


I once had a two page dictionary by Vanilla Ice. Besides "word to your mother" the other one I remembered is "illin." [xouxou]

Very well written. [star-flower-a]


i'm the maid, silly rabbit. don't you know that you are a shooting star--not that way...ahem God willing and i do belive in Her. [maddieblaylock]


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