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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : a look into "no sympathy nite". next entry: continuing the search for inner intelligence

too long for you to care about. 10/9/2001


so it's somewhere near my one month birthday into this vast, unrefined yet malleable mass of molten thoughts and feelings and fears. anniversary tribute? well, you talked me into it.

few people seem to understand select things in this "uterus of dreams" called online writing. you see, here in this slippery-slide of a gestation/birthing tunnel, thoughts are recalled (a majority spontaneously produced) and transfered in respectable binary code. their creators hoping, dreaming....well, whatever dream comes to mind, but mostly venting. releasing their inner steam of demons, secrets, or apparitions of wishes to catch the air.

and i'm here to sqaush them?

you know, actually the hate notes have turned more into perfect visions of assistance from unknown strangers.

please, s1ck - believe the bible so you can be on the same intellectual level as me.
comeon, i need someone to backup my delusions as to make myself feel better about believing them.

i'm sorry. maybe my intentions aren't coming out as crystal clear as i thought...or maybe you just don't want to waste the time or effort to open yourself to a different view.

feel free to jump in at any point...

onward and upward

realizations are something we all must face throughout the entirety of our thought journeys. minds sharp, crisply peaked on the plateau of THC-induced thinking - skin crawling with the feelings of life. movements in every cell of the entire body. the clash of high speed, hi-fidelity locomotion inside a void being and the sluggish, childlike movements mingled with bumps of idea disembowling thoughts. perfection in the form of perfect conditions.

the reveleation of life in a daydream- floating aimlessly in the encircling spiral of denial and blind faith, when the evidence is here saturating your senses.

we all live in these phantom realities - the possibility of love, for instance being emotional dependency and physical necessity hidden behind a false sense of caring-strikes us as unimagineable. someone who might say that even marriage could be to simply quench the issue of financial security, or even to feel more a part of accepted society- strikes us as an uncaring fool that doesn't know what it feels like to be loved.

so i'm putting my neck on the verbal line. throwing out theses of admirable suicide or relying on self-reliance. go, hit me with the mallet of opinions. beat me on all sides so that i become a man-made imperfect circle. i feed on my self-hatered. i am one with your anger.

a rotting heart has no need for scars.

previous entry : a look into "no sympathy nite". next entry: continuing the search for inner intelligence
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the things you speak of I have no idea but yet you have gotten my attention. It seems as if you have pissed some people off but I honestly don't think you intentionally do so. But who am I to think? I don't know you. [Foxy B]

I am glad that you left me a note, otherwise I probably would not have made a visit. I like your writing, it's intense and truthful. [Cutie Boo]

Yeah, I'm sure you don't intend to piss anyone off. Oh no. Not you.
No point to self-hatred though, bud. It all ends so quick anyway--why the hurry?


No need to be so bitter, no one is entirely unloveable, no matter how she made you feel- whoever she is. I'm sure you think that you hate her, though, or that she is not worth hate, and that love is an illusion based on the evolutionary advantage of moving in groups rather than as individuals. What are you hiding from when you go to such efforts to dramatize yourself? [lyra]

phantom realities......ok, ok, no more cheap sci-fi flicks for you sick. anyway i suppose when it comes down to it we all rely on perception, that makes all the difference. and the thing i've realized is no one's is the same, so that may account for the lack of understanding you have gotten. besides not everyone gets the joke. [I Hate Myself]

This is an open forum for self expression, I think that whether you are angering others or not, you are at least expressing yourself, and isn't that the whole point? [star-flower-a]

i got half way through and then my bronchitis started acting up. but half way through yur cool. so all the way through you either eliminated yur coolness or became double cool. yur choice. im coughing too much to tell. [nymph number four]

youre depressed? maybe because you're 15 and a whore. s1ckend

^there is a note that you left this little girl who made a heartbreaking mistake.

That is why you piss people off. You kick them when they are down. And I think you do it intentionally.

This self-loathing... hey... its your cup of tea...


Hard to talk about onemindedness without appearing one mind. Funny little world...

And what exactly is our right? Relgion? Our Own Ideas? Life? Sorry if I missed that point.

Whatever though,

Steve [Mr. Nobody]

"crisply peaked on the plateau of THC-induced thinking" -- So... are you high when you write to OD? [Larkin]

I wasn't saying that Jesus shouldn't have taken her. I know that when someone dies the Lord wants them with him now. I was saying that I wish that she didn't have to go so soon b/c she had so much more to do. And I don't think that I went too far b/c I was a big fan of hers. And I am going to give my opinion. And the only opinion that matters is MINE!! SORRY! [Diamondgirl]

For me looking at creation tells me that there is A divine creator, all science points to A young earth (real science that is.) and besides that, I can feel His presence. nothing creepy or weird, but I know, that I know, I am A child of God. it is something that I would die for.

but thanks 4 the note. maybe we could keep n touch?



Re: your note. Separating society from the individual is too convenient- how could I place the blame on something that I am a part of and not assume it myself? Society is you, it's me, it makes our lives possible and as long as we are living under its protection, taking no action to alter it, then we have little right to complain. [lyra]

"carnal craving of the unknown" no i would have to say the craving is pretty well known (but maybe i misunderstood-it's quite possible with all these odd fangled words out there). i must agree with you though in seeking to define modern love, but you seem to confuse it with teenage lust. or atleast was my interpretation. but as is quite evident that lust and love are two different words........ [I Hate Myself]

.......which means they are two different emotions entirely. now if you were speaking from the way people and even society perceive them, then i would have to concur with you. but i feel that real, true, honest, and pure love can exist. and that is my most infallible proof we are a kin to the consciousness of god.... the capacity for love. [I Hate Myself]

RYN: Yeah i should have been pissed, you are right about that, but i figured that he is a 40something year old man... and he was such a loser to do something that lame. He's a piece of shite and he knows it. That has to be bad enough, and even if he doesn't know it... He is, and that is bad enough. I feel sorry for him. [ForYourDefense]

' a rotting heart has no need for scars ' ...............great imagery............ when it comes to love and life, isnt scars the equivalent of the life lived????? id rather be scarred and alive, than pristine and hollow.............. :-) [in tethers]

Ok, so you're pessimistic and unhappy but *comeon*, pretending to be deeply insightful when all you're doing is prattling on and on about everyone's futile existence and incorrect perceptions about happiness is just a kind of sad attempt on your part to make yourself ultimately feel like part of the crowd by being purposely and outwardly defiant. but that's just my opinion, i could be wrong ;1 [SunlitSaphire]

Are you really 15 and a whore, like that other note says?

Cool. [Mercurio]


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