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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : disillusionment next entry: "don't act like you don't want me."

Rock my body, baby. 12/13/2001
you can smell the whores from downwind, the pungent cover-up for an enslaved body.

painted faces covering unseen wounds.

trivial lips speaking trivial thoughts...

I want to create my own ebonics.

  Cees: yow biz I was plugged in deep southin’, eyewanesik.

    “biz” - Pronoun: hey woman, or excuse me
    “plugged in” - Referring to a time of either online activity or television/movie viewing.
    “deep southin’” - In-depth.
    “eyewanesik” - Referring to Megan Elizabeth Iwanesic, Cees’ significant other)

  Meg: no doubt jay, I can kick it if you gonna jet.

    “no doubt” - Yes.
    “kick it” - Referring to leaving.
    “jet” - Referring to leaving.

previous entry : disillusionment next entry: "don't act like you don't want me."
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Nice. The entry was very deep-south. [Could-you-hate-me]

I haven't read your od in ages...glad you're still there and still writing. At least, I think I'm glad... [rebecc]

That was NOT a hate-note, by the way! I just got really confused by reading your whole diary at once. [rebecc]

Ebonics suck. Yet I am addicted, as I said before. So here is a note that has no meaning.

This note may contain nuts. [mindless games]

ryn: aren't haikus that by their very nature? Creepy little not-poems.


Have you seen the John Hurt version of 1984? Where he slowly walks toward the prostitute and she becomes older and dirtier the closer he moves? Yours, [SaladinCham]

Also - Heart talks about 'painted' faces, though they were in a much different context. Sad faces painted over with those magazine smiles. [SaladinCham]

the south's gonna do it (again) [troublegum]

jigga what. [Catcher in the Rye]

:: pulls out ebonics dictionary :: ... um, let's see here... um... ah, here it is... WORD! ~~~~~ [TheGreenMan]

we don't use kick it like that but i'm intrigued.(shocker) [maddieblaylock]


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