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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
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poetry sucks. 10/10/2001

your memory imprinted
like the expressionless face of my two friends-
cold steel.
warm feelings.
smooth, empty corridors of release
inside that deep-falling iris.
one million beings in my cartridges of hate,
acceptance, and denial
set to spill these emotions ablaze
onto white porcelain surfaces.

  a one-second love affair
  that lasts a lifetime.

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"I read poetry because it saves time." Marilyn Monroe.

Yours doesn't suck. [KaseyChambers]

Full Metal Jacket.


They're right, your's doesn't suck.
Poetry is interesting.
It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, in the end it's just words on paper.
Or in this case, on a computer screen. [don't]

you're right. it does. almost infallibly. [MaybeAgain]

Maybe love doesn't exist, but then how do you explain happy old couples? And their is a feeling of emptiness when you don't have love... can you feel an emtiness for something that doesn't exist at all? [Just Jenn]

Why does poetry sucks? [j e s s]

RYN: i do have dignity, thanks hun. i also dont want to think because thinking leads to feelings then eventualy feelings turn into hurt, i dont want to be hurt anymore, so i am taking the spontanous approach and see what happens, if it makes you feel any better it blew up in my face. :o) [amber*]

For something that sucks, it was very expressive. [star-flower-a]

Thanks for your note =)

Stay cool. [j e s s]

listen here hunny, i am NOT a pig, nore will i ever be one. i realised my mistakes i have payed the consequences and there will never be a repeat. by the way do you have some sort of chip on your shoulders about women? curious?

also what are you? a guy or a girl? [amber*]

i tend to lean towards a guy cause your so cocky but you never know! ams

hate, hate, hate,thats all you get. can you really be that evil? doubtful. loved "mooth, empty, corridors of release" reminds me of why a gun is so pleasant to stroke. ha ha. later. [I Hate Myself]

you know i'm gonna like it. sure it may be the cowards way out, but at least cowards have the balls to do it. you know what my thesis is. there are no real suicidal people in the world. there are very briefly, but than they kill themselves. if they're still alive, they're not suicidal. death is the easiest thing to come by. i think people need to stop f*cking, and start dying. [Undertow371]

you are retarded


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