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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : utter insignificance. next entry: feasting on the afterbirth

make me hate you 10/29/2001
the beauty of simplicity rests in the form of anticipation.

what are you looking forward to?

the sky leaks its sustaining liquid fuel. fat droplets of mother's milk fall like bombs over third-world countries marked with the red white & blue seal of approval.

the loving embrace of her limbs encircling...

it had been too long.

now it hasn't been long enough.

so i've made that pilgrimage to the epicenter of where dreams shatter and hearts rip open like packages. where the thoughts of her are wrung from these eyes - rhthmically shuddering. i run foreign fingers over past scars, divulging in illusions from head-first dependency.

sometimes i think he can still taste the worm; differenciate between nourishment and cold, barbed steel.

sometimes you'd do anything to cut the line.

previous entry : utter insignificance. next entry: feasting on the afterbirth
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I'm looking forward to foreign policy bringing us all together in a unified front of secret hatred, wherein the truth will be discovered and the mass hysteria will begin; much like a Ramones concert in 1976. [Tom Mix]

Last two lines shine.


drop a bomb here, throw some food over these war plans are confusing, lets just bomb some red cross buildings!!! thatll get old osama!!! [bleedingme34]

i really dont understand you [amber*]

interesting [~top totty~]

"Make me hate you" it is so much safer when people hate you... you don't have to give them anything in return. You have only one impression of them and they have only one of you... But we are humans and created to love and hate... nothing is safe [Magnilia]

This is oh so very impressive.

and by the way, it wasn't just a big fat dick. In fact, it wasn't all that big or fat at all. It was more the animalistic expression of lust as a need between two hopeless people.

Beauty, as it were. [pinko commie bastard]

Certainly I'd cut the line. Wouldn't you, if you were waiting there for three hours after a hard day's work? Heh.

RYN - You haven't heard of Aeon? Try: for reference.

Yours, [SaladinCham]

You have an excellent diary here, sir... and if it would be all right with you, I'd like to add you to my favorites.

Take care. :)


thanks for your note, i appreciated it muchly. i think i will use your advice. its seems more clearer than all the other sh*t people have been shoving down my throat! :o) [amber*]

I love the way you write [alithea]

You are a truly awesome writer,and I see by your notes I am not alone in thinking that! RYN: Why does Christmas piss you off?? will you write and tell me? [the_crooked_halo]

I agree I wasnt very caring that day.. but that doesnt make me a bad person.. i dont need notes saying im SUCH a landmark of caring.. believe me.. i kno i wasnt caring i dont need sarcasm added onto it... [*Bootylicious*Honey*]

Hey cool guy. I might talk like a an idiot in my diary but atleast I don't bore people to death with my crappy-ass, trying to hard to be deep, sooooo rebellious, thinking I'm better than everyone poems and crap that no one really gives a f*ck about. [*rottengrl*]

ryn: very astute observation - thanks for the wakeup call [alithea]

It is so much easier to fall into hatred rather than work towards understanding. [star-flower-a]

Thanks for the note. Totally hear where you are coming from. [Gerfk]

absolutely (insert emotion here);

preach on;

with a poetic license;

(whirling engines of the mind);

buzzzz; [man fading]

Thanks for your visit and interesting comments. [WITNESS]

thanx for the note...obviously though you have never heard of symbolism and deeper meaning...but i wont blame ya for being stupid.... [Chickenfish]



[Hugs-N-Kisses4e <3]

btw i wasn't blaiming PMS, i was saying using the term the people used describing their bitchiness...anyway..just thought i'd let ya know.. [UnReachable Dreams]

"You jerk, I hate you, cry cry cry..." I just thought I would right something like the others... I like your writing personally. Because every one needs to embrace negativity.

wait wait I forgot, let me conform some more "tear... tear... complain, bitch and moan, 'you don't know what you are talking about, meany head'." conformity is my friend... [Magnilia]

well, i'll be damned.

yep, that's all i've got. it's late. [taogirl]

do you really want to be someone like ed gein? and if so, can you explain why? or did you just like the possible shock value of making such a ridiculous statement? [watching you burn]

Ryn: Im sorry I should have put up a warning, what was I thinking / :

I dont understand this poem I guess Im just slow [Jesus H Christ]

More diary writing! Now! [SaladinCham]

hey i like your work. it's really deep. who do you admire? your really poetic, you should here some of my poems.i have a question: how do you check out other peoples backgrounds. like their age, and all that other stuff? let me know. i guess trick or treating wasn't as bad as i thought it was.

w/b lil-brege


I keep trying to cut the line, but maybe I’m not trying hard enough. [Mercurio]

Where did I say scooter. [XmiSeryX]

whats wrong with wanting to be like ed gein? [lost_soull]

damn...and i thought "make me hate you" was going to be a contest on who could make you hate them....oh well...and about cutting that line...use some mother f*cking wirecutters.... [lost_soull]

what can i tell you that you don't already know, heart? [maddieblaylock]


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