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embracing negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -

So here are the very first entries from the first diary.

it's interesting to see the changes of this style through time.

Of course, this is not how the page looked for entries 1-7, but due to a lack of saving on my part, i had to slap this together real quick.

oh, and use the back button to navigate.


take a gander at the ever-controversial September 11 entry that I took off because the flood of horrible notes and death threats. Don't believe me? Check it out.

Diary Entries 1-7
Entry Date
the joke's on 9/26/2001
believe it or not, i'm no racist. 9/23/2001
this and that... 9/18/2001
nothing in particular... 9/10/2001
testosterone - an essay 9/10/2001
blind date date rape 9/5/2001
dead again 9/4/2001
Entries : 1-7 of 37
[Entries 8-37] [new diary]

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