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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : Rock my body, baby. next entry: mid journey re-evaluation

"don't act like you don't want me." 12/17/2001
purge inner beliefs for outer appearances...

i'm breathing the lifestyle.

duality in my conciousness

so sin is in.

we all do it; our "pop culture" becomes the most addictive of drugs. Sex. masturbation.

the question becomes, what is life? Is it a destination? Wealth? Happiness?

or is it the ride?

(i'd keep my eyes on the road to miss the scenery.)


previous entry : Rock my body, baby. next entry: mid journey re-evaluation
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I think it's the ride [alithea]

wealth and the ride bitch. [dearpanic]

haha [dearpanic]


i feel as though I've read this before...oh yeah, it's exactly the same as every other entry you've ever written.

boredom. [pinko commie bastard]


*Hugs from koko*


Definatly the ride hun [amber*]


It's just a ride. [troublegum]

Ride, Sally, ride. [Kaisy]

life is a running joke... haven't you figured that out yet? and you're the punchline!!! no wait, I am.... no, no no... wait... oh yeah! it's God... sorry fat bastard! with his big ol' white santa lookin' beard and his whole sending his only son to die... what a jerk.. ~~~~~ [TheGreenMan]

i don't get it. they said it was about the journey and i belive them. the eternal student. [maddieblaylock]

more questions, eh. [cathartic]

yeah, so sin is in....

but when has it not been?

it's just more public.

jen [blood child]


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previous entry : Rock my body, baby. next entry: mid journey re-evaluation

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