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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : too long for you to care about. next entry: poetry sucks.

continuing the search for inner intelligence 10/10/2001
ahh so another point in time for self realizations....

and hopefully making the necessary corrections and/or alterations.

ok, i'll admit i've been a bit rash in the note-leavings and overall association with you online-diary junkheads (like myself). to remedy this problem, i'm finally going to stop the random viewings and comments.

not like you care, i'm sure.

so onward and upward, through the sludge and into the can only hope.

opinions are like assholes....everyone's got em and no one wants to hear em, right?

so i'm trying, i really am. trying to be more accepting of people's way of life. trying to stop the condescending tone....even though people often fail to realize my original intentions.

i'll try not to be so steadfast in my hate. yeah, of course i'm bitter- i'm an angry person sometimes, but to be stuck in ANYTHING, much less something so destructive as an odious lifestyle, is just not healthy. yeah, i can't change my negative outlook. i won't strive to be a quirky, peppy, trendsetting model of society, but my ultimate goal is a completely open mind.

won't you all join me?

previous entry : too long for you to care about. next entry: poetry sucks.
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perhaps... but i like my hate. It comforts me. [Crimson Innocence]

nice quote about the assholes, where'd you get that from? hehe. just kidding. [Undertow371]

I do believe I was one of those random notings.
No worry though, I enjoyed it.
I will join you.
Shall be nice.
Indeed. [don't]

You're going to quit leaving notes? But OD won't be the same without your random pessimism, really it won't... (By the way, I never did think that the majority of the notes to you qualified as actual hate mail.) [rebecc]

You won't be peppy? How about perky?


People tell me I'm a bitter person over the phone. "Goddamnitwhoscallingmegoddamnit." I'm positive it's something like your situation. Dammidoll's right, of course, you should strive to be perky at least. The girl who served me an iced mocha last night was perky and I didn't even bother leaving her a tip.

Yours, [SaladinCham]

This is so exciting!!! [Kaisy]

Hey, at least hate gives you something to hold on to.

Mescaline would be nice, but I don't have access to peyote, so for now wine and vodka will have to be my crutch...although apparently sugar seems to work fairly well... [star-flower-a]

The note above this one is a riot. Mescaline? I think I'll chew on a fresh adrenaline gland. [SaladinCham]

Opinions are like assholes.... everybody has one and everybody thinks everyone else's smells like shit.

You wouldnt know inteligence if it bit you on the ass, you are a self opionated little shit and I hope you rot in hell for the things you say to people.

ME, myself and I [G A R E T J A X]

"great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds"

"rage, rage hard................"

"anger is a gift"

[in tethers]

A completely open mind. I like that. [Could-you-hate-me]


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previous entry : too long for you to care about. next entry: poetry sucks.

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