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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : pretty words are the devil y'all. next entry: 12/4/01

consummating breeds consumption 12/3/2001
i mourn the loss of a dead enemy.
His soul now lives inside, feeding off the dead parts like candy corn canines.

but where he once stood there lies a broken relationship, the arrows of doubt amid bullets of passion. Reluctance to conform overpowered by a shred of dignity.
True feelings harshly grated into spherical projectiles of hatred.

Yet i remain sole possessor of the spoils; one war-shaped battleground and numerous broken memories.
Broken promises of a wounded soul.
Glass shards and torn pictures. Tainted thoughts and bloody knuckles.

Tomorrow he grows while I stab away whats left.

previous entry : pretty words are the devil y'all. next entry: 12/4/01
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"looking back i realize..nothing have i done,

left to die with only friend..alone i clench my gun.." [bleedingme34]

i like the 'tainted thoughts and bloody knuckles' [amber*]

kinda reminds me of my feelings. i hope it's not about me.


i liked it when you wrote things with substance, beeyotch. [pinko commie bastard]

"I am in a world of shit." [troublegum]

A la TOOL? no? [aeon flux]


grrr, i think. [hellzapoppin]

i hope you love yourself in the morning as much as i will [maddieblaylock]


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previous entry : pretty words are the devil y'all. next entry: 12/4/01

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