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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : impalpablility next entry: kinda, i want to.

big bad ambiguous paradigm. 11/18/2001
Complexity or simplicity? In one ear, out the other. Intelligence or integrity? Rub your stomach, pat your head. Consumption or analysis? Separated not segregated.

Cliché? Like a bitch!

Is boredom just the anticipated fright of death?

If life is a summation of choices, at least it would explain regret.
Parsing the stale from fresh, yearning a meaning of life while reaching for an answer to death. Blaming incompetence for predetermined destiny?
Ehh, I’m working on that one.

Take one ripe fruit from a basket of rotting plant placenta and you’ve created a mess.
Take one bruised apple from a tray of ripe and you’ve created a masterpiece.

Mistaking quality and quantity. Establishing a base coat for future substance. Submission at the cost of awkwardness.

A step forward or an excuse for conformity?

     Please flip for instructions.

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aack, all this thinking is hurting my head...

lobotomy, anyone? [Beautiful Liar]

please. [cathartic]

I've already flipped. Can't say it instructed me, exactly. Boredom is having no lions to kill.


i suppose.


With these gender roles, I thee wed. I love the sentence about applying the base coat. When painting your nuptual house we'll give the thresh hold an slap of black. Yours, [SaladinCham]

no i stare at you b/c you penis is hanging out....have some class you bastard! [I Hate Myself]

you=your [I Hate Myself]

where is the yin to your yang? Do you have another diary here on OD? [Kaisy]

hahahaha sorry! oh by the way, i have no idea what your note meant in my diary at all, i know you probably forgot what you wrote, but did you ever f*ck me up with that! i agree with the apple thing [amber*]

the apple thing...

RYN. yeah, he's one creative sexy bitch. That site was all very melodramatic and overstated. Obviously the work of someone who was a totured teenager. But nevertheless. [pinko commie bastard]

excellent with the quality and quantity, but a needs a little more direction..didnt really know what you meant at first, but great last [bleedingme34]

i like the apple thing...

hey...remember that time that me and someone else and you and jordan went and saw that movie? [~top totty~]

ow ... my brain hurts... yeah... .I get ya... i like the boredom as a frightened anticipation of death.... very nifty... but damn man.... so many small lines packed with huge thoughts... it's like trying to drink orange juice concentrate and imagine what it tastes like normally... wait... no it isn't... it's like bleeding internally... wait... eh, f*ck it... it's like masturbation for your mind ~~ [TheGreenMan]'re words make me moist with fright...i want to put you in a box and keep you...a glass box...under my bed perhaps... [7 year bitch]

I don't often get bored, there is always something to do...I don't think that makes me ready for death just yet though.

I don't really see a tray of fruit as a masterpiece, more like lunch :-) [star-flower-a]

i had some shells and cheese the other day thanks to you! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH! [Magnilia]

hmmm, oh my god, i can see your entry written on the small print of all Wal*Mart items! That quality quantity remark reminded me of wal*mart... [Magnilia]

love is a chemical reaction to force us to spread our genes. to continue the species and, of course, to provide us with offspring to help us when we're old and worthless. it's all about survival-- thats our programming. people like you and me- we must be defects.

(serial) [the jenova project]

RYN: I actually said cocks should be called yeah great minds think alike..I like your have some unique points... [BlinkGirl18]

Sometimes I feel so dirty and cheap, but I'm scared of giving up and being a psychedelic peace creep... [troublegum]

i am stumbling here. you are alittle over my head (i'm short and not that old, after all--cap'n) [maddieblaylock]


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